#ViewSource Conference presented by Mozilla Day1

米国・オレゴン州ポートランドで11月2日〜3日に開催中の「ViewSource Conference」 https://viewsourceconf.org Day1の反応についてまとめました。
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Marie Thompson @R2D2ismybuddy

@WWCodePortland thank you so much for making it possible for me to attend the View Source Conference this week!! #ViewSource

2015-11-04 02:38:58
Laure @laurex

Paul Ford baggin' on WordPress at #ViewSource: "those </head><body> neck tattoos are going to be busted and broken in 5 years, just like WP"

2015-11-04 02:44:43
Andre Should Be Writing @soapdog

@zenorocha tá rolando uma conferência da #Mozilla chamada #ViewSource. Achei que vc tava nela. viewsourceconf.org

2015-11-04 02:46:52
View Source Conference @viewsourceconf

Paul Ford talking about how static the front pages of social media sites are without login. #ViewSource pic.twitter.com/j4ppupNXgl

2015-11-04 02:47:44
Lucas Myers hello computer @unthunk

People should just stop writing to-JavaScript compilers & instead learn to actually write JavaScript #ViewSource pic.twitter.com/qAVdOEs4AM

2015-11-04 02:52:19
Andy Baio @waxpancake

"The HTML5 spec has 609,160 words in it. That's longer than Infinite Jest." @ftrain at #ViewSource. pic.twitter.com/bOSj9dve1w

2015-11-04 02:52:58
David Nugent @drnugent

"This portrait of the web is very different from ours." #marketing #ViewSource pic.twitter.com/E8wM3W9B76

2015-11-04 02:55:24
View Source Conference @viewsourceconf

Air Mozilla live stream is UP for #ViewSource: mzl.la/1H3FxmH Let us know how it's working for you!

2015-11-04 02:55:26
David Nugent @drnugent

"Perl 6 is awesome! As far as I can tell, it's still really slow and buggy. But it's awesome." #ViewSource pic.twitter.com/4NrHJdOwzS

2015-11-04 03:00:34
David Nugent @drnugent

"The problems we were trying to solve as good nerds in 2005 were not the ones that huge, scaling companies cared about." #ViewSource

2015-11-04 03:02:19
View Source Conference @viewsourceconf

Inayaili de Leon Persson's talk on realistic responsive design is about to start. #ViewSource @yaili

2015-11-04 03:06:08
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