2011年1月20日: チュニジア(16) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #OpTunisia

(15) http://togetter.com/li/91076 このセクションでは、旧政権の政党RCDが、デモ隊の目の前で、事実上解体します。また、ずっと「言論の自由」を求める活動をしてきたブロガーで、今回の移行政権に青年・スポーツ担当大臣として入閣したスリム・アマモウが、閣議を実況ツイートしています(フランス語)。
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Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

MUST READ: BenAli's regime arrested women who wore hijab (Islamic veil) !! Read about 1 case: http://bit.ly/hpOVu8 #sidibouzid via @weddady

2011-01-20 13:39:43
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

@weddady Would love to quote you. Wanna send me a few sentences via email on what pisses you off the most about naysayers?

2011-01-20 13:41:13
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

If you were an anti-BenAli, your family members had to pay the price, even if they lived abroad http://bit.ly/g8qoIc #sidibouzid v @weddady

2011-01-20 13:42:56
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Grave of Mohammed Bouazizi, father of Tunisian Uprising, draped in a Tunisian flag #sidibouzid http://twitpic.com/3reiqd via @AymanM

2011-01-20 13:49:54
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

بعد منصف المرزوقي، توفيق بن بريك يقول انه سيرشح نفسه في انتخابات الرئاسة في تونس http://t.co/ryrFUUj #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-20 14:02:48
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Tunisia already has 2 presidential candidates. Both BenAli opposition figures: Moncef Marzouki & Taoufik Ben Brik #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-20 14:08:10
Nawaat @nawaat

Nawaat: سيادة الوزير الأول: لماذا لا ترحل: يثير أداء الوزير الأول السابق المقال السيد محمد الغنوشي و المعين لتشك... http://bit.ly/ev2iF2

2011-01-20 14:22:00
Nawaat @nawaat

Nawaat: Tunisie : Comment Zine El Abidine Ben Ali a été débarqué: Vendredi 14 janvier. Dans la matinée, c’est un... http://bit.ly/hBJ6YJ

2011-01-20 14:22:00
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Dubai's 'The World' islands are "falling back into the sea". 'The World' is in "a coma" http://bit.ly/gcS80E via @itsdgc

2011-01-20 14:24:13
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Was he a rich guy?!! Thought he was president! RT@404samiTunis when do we see some pictures of Ben Ali properties in Argentina? #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 14:24:20

Lebanon Condemns Israeli Settlements in Resolution http://feedly.com/k/eYZ5En #Palestine

2011-01-20 14:28:04
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Ben Ali tiene importantes inversiones en #Argentina, con dinero robado de su pueblo. Aparentemente compró un rancho. #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-20 14:31:15
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Si alguien ha leído alguna información sobre propiedades de Ben Ali en #Argentina, les agradezco mantenerme al tanto. Gracias #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 14:32:38
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

@SultanAlQassemi Ben Kilani is turning into the Arab world's "Sully," no?

2011-01-20 14:36:35
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

@Dima_Khatib Can you put me in touch with the Al Jazeera Arabic reporter in Tunisia? blake[dot]hounshell@foreignpolicy.com

2011-01-20 14:37:49
Liberate Tunisia @LiberateTunisia

Plz RT French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot-Marie in Israel to touch on situation in Tunisia!! http://goo.gl/udnhW #SidiBouzid #Tunisie

2011-01-20 14:40:57
Slim Amamou @slim404

je vais etre a la matinale de france Inter en direct de Tunis a 7:30

2011-01-20 14:49:25
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Israeli press: Relax. What happened in Tunisia is not about to repeat itself in other Arab states http://t.co/wYsDD1r #sidibouzid #israel

2011-01-20 14:50:01
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

I told BBC what I thought of Arab League Sec. Gen. Amr Moussa's new-found concern for "Arab soul" http://bbc.in/g5qNS3 #Sidibouzid (44 mins)

2011-01-20 14:51:46
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

صحيفة هآرش: تطمأنوا. ما حصل في تونس لن يكرر نفسه في دول عربية أخرى http://t.co/wYsDD1r #sidibouzid #israel via @weddady

2011-01-20 14:53:34
Blake Hounshell @blakehounshell

Saudi Arabia gives up on Lebanon. Bad sign, obviously, but how bad? http://bit.ly/fbMSTd

2011-01-20 14:56:35
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Swiss government decided to freeze all assets in Swiss Banks belonging to Ben Ali and Gbagbo. #sidibouzid #Suisse #Swiss

2011-01-20 14:57:36
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