【20110121-25】ハイチ 3【Duvalier電撃帰国、Celestin棄権?】

 http://togetter.com/li/90867 の続き。  Duvalier氏の今後は不明なまま。大統領選決選投票については1月31日に改めて最終発表との噂。またAristide氏も帰国するような噂あり?  25日、現職の後継者Celestinが選挙戦からの撤退表明?  隣国ドミニカでコレラ感染による初の死者!
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Breaking News @BreakingNews

Acquitted Haitian in Liberty City Seven terror case deported to homeland http://bit.ly/gXlnES

2011-01-21 05:28:49
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ AM 6:00 ------------✄

2011-01-21 06:00:00

#Haiti CEP will probably release new results for 2 contenders by weekend. Just educated guess following @AmbassadorRice statement.

2011-01-21 06:01:12

#Haiti As mortality rate drops in Port-au-Prince, Cholera reigns in countryside http://bit.ly/dEbxPt @Wyclef

2011-01-21 06:28:27
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

#Haiti interior minister paul antoine said he has never received a request from the ministry of affairs for a passport for #Aristide.

2011-01-21 06:31:55
RAMhaiti @RAMhaiti

People are taking to the streets today tearing down Jude posters. The countdown has begun. Preval is leaving #Haiti Elections

2011-01-21 06:57:59
CKC411 @CKC411

The reports keep coming in that Duvalier is missing. Media still not reporting. Lawyer says moved hotels & locals say otherwise. #Haiti

2011-01-21 07:39:56

NEWS: Former Haitian Pres. Jean-Bertrand Aristide Asks #Haiti to Allow His Return; #France & US Object. http://ow.ly/3Hny9 via @democracynow

2011-01-21 08:20:19
loulou brice #Haiti @Louloubrice

- UN: Haiti paralyzed by political crisis after election deadlock http://skygrid.me/dLMAfm #haiti #crisis

2011-01-21 08:23:48
Mission MANNA @MissionMANNA

Department of State just issued revised #Haiti travel warning. Yawn.

2011-01-21 08:40:06
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Radio Metropole reporting CEP will announce final election results Jan. 31, but CEP spokesperson says he can't confirm. #Haiti

2011-01-21 08:58:20
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

CORRECTION: Spokesperson says appeals due at BCED on Friday and the BCEN on Monday, when contestation process ends. @Joe_Taxi

2011-01-21 09:16:57
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ AM 12:00 -----------✄

2011-01-21 12:00:00
Catherine Porter @porterthereport

Rumours on the tele-djol (mouth-television, aka gossip) in #Haiti are that Baby Doc has fled to the DR. Any truth to it?

2011-01-21 12:19:09

US Discouraging Aristide Return to Haiti http://bit.ly/eyl1sE

2011-01-21 12:22:13

Haiti under US-led pressure over tainted vote http://f24.my/dFsM5m

2011-01-21 14:42:04
Jesus is the way. @haitivshaiti

Check this video out -- HAITI 1942 http://t.co/KxugIZg via @youtube This video is just a reminder of how beautiful #Haiti was back then.

2011-01-21 15:06:27
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ PM 6:00 ------------✄

2011-01-21 18:00:00
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