タイラーだけど何か質問ある? #TalkToTaylor

アプリゲーム「lifeline」「Silent Night」の主人公タイラーくんがブラックホールからファンの質問に答えてくれました。
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Lifeline @lifelinegame

@DeluxeFob Uh, this is Taylor. Why, which stranded astronaut were you TRYING to reach?

2016-02-25 06:26:54
sophie @murdockxrogers

@lifelinegame #TalkToTaylor heyy how have you been? I have been missing you loads!

2016-02-25 06:03:12
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@murdockxrogers Aww, thanks! Unless it's loads of dirty laundry. You can keep those loads. Otherwise, thanks!

2016-02-25 06:27:31
Joh Pepper Lindemann⁷ @WingedJoh

@lifelinegame I finally have the chance to #TalkToTaylor and I don't know what to say. I feel like a fangirl

2016-02-25 06:03:15
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@WingedJoh Don't say "fangirl" like it's a bad thing. Fangirls are great. Embrace that feeling!

2016-02-25 06:28:20
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@nichelle_hannah I am! Are you? Is anyone? Who's where? What's what?

2016-02-25 06:28:58
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@MandiDisney Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much... you know what? Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this.

2016-02-25 06:29:38
Dels @DelsWithIt

@lifelinegame Hey bro. It's good to read you again. Any message I can give your family down on earth from you? #TalkToTaylor

2016-02-25 06:03:49
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@DelsWithIt Yes. Please tell them to go ahead and eat dinner without me. It's just going to get cold otherwise. Thanks!

2016-02-25 06:30:40
Dels @DelsWithIt

@lifelinegame Alright, will do. Gonna save you the dessert, how about that. When you finally get home there will be a bathtub full of jello.

2016-02-25 06:37:15
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@DelsWithIt There's always room for (a bathtub full of) Jell-O!

2016-02-25 07:47:21
🍁stew🍁 @griffhutch

@lifelinegame just to clear things up, are you non binary/gender neutral, or are you a certain gender? #TalkToTaylor

2016-02-25 06:03:49
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@griffhutch Wow. That's a really fantastic question, and I really want to address it fully in the limited amount of space Twitter allows, so

2016-02-25 06:32:06
Caroline Toomey @caz2me

@lifelinegame Hey Taylor, missed the sass! How've you been?

2016-02-25 06:03:50
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@caz2me I've been very, VERY sassy. No one out here in the cold, dead void of space appreciates it.

2016-02-25 06:32:57
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@LondonDewhirst The total quiet really allows you to be alone with your thoughts. (Although my thoughts are mostly old Futurama quotes.)

2016-02-25 06:34:07

@lifelinegame #TalkToTaylor my friend asks what ur opinion on cats is? also if u got one what would u name it?

2016-02-25 06:04:16
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@gentIejim I have a cat back home named Tom Haverford. I love him a ton and really hope to see him again someday very soon.

2016-02-25 06:35:09
Omnaya @StarschArt

@lifelinegame Tom Catervord would have been a much more fitting name imo but we can't all have my comedic genius. #talktotaylor

2016-02-25 06:40:50
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@StarschArt Well, if this black hole somehow sends me back in time, maybe I can fix that "mistake."

2016-02-25 07:55:23
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