
2020年7月5日〜7月6日に「ピンカー」で検索して出てくる日本語ツイートや関連してそうなツイートを手当たり次第にまとめて、ピンカー本人とピンカーの盟友(?)ジョナサン・ハイトの英語ツイートを追加。ピンカー寄りのまとめになっています。自由に編集してください。 7/7 18:10 タイトルが誤解を招くとの指摘があったので、“フェローから”を追加
Pinkerite 👀 - off to Mastodon #tusknotmusk @Pinkerite1

@sapinker @Evolutionistrue Pinker's support of race science - especially his never publicly regretted support for the career of professional racist Steve Sailer - should have been discussed more in the letter. pinkerite.com/2019/12/the-mi…

2020-07-07 00:05:15
Pinkerite 👀 - off to Mastodon #tusknotmusk @Pinkerite1

@markrhill @FelixChaser @PTetlock @sapinker Pinker promotes race science. He's been doing it for 20 years, most blatantly when he boosted the career of professional racist Steve Sailer, most recently when he defended NHAI as if it was settled science. pinkerite.com/2020/05/four-k…

2020-07-05 23:36:41
daisuke kataoka/片岡大右 @disk_kat

今週金曜公開の講談社現代新書ウェブの記事でこの件にも触れました…ピンカーは「リベラル」ながら「インテレクチュアル・ダークウェブ」の一員で、『21世紀の啓蒙』への批判に応えるなかで無関係のグレーバーに石をぶつけていることもあって、ニック・ランド、ピーター・ティールと併せ取り上げた次第 twitter.com/sans__sens/sta…

2020-07-08 13:37:02
ちょっともう無理す @sans__sens

スティーブン・ピンカーとブラック・ライヴズ・マター - 道徳的動物日記 davitrice.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2020/07/…

2020-07-08 13:22:27
T S h i m i z u @FanGongwen

人権や平等といったリベラルが重視する価値の「虚妄」を、「科学的エビデンス」の名の下に暴く(と称する)知的ネットワーク「インテレクチュアル・ダークウェブ」が、欧米社会に勃興した。彼らはどんな出自を持ち、何を主張しているのか。その問題点とは。(本文より) gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/593…

2019-11-22 21:51:22
daisuke kataoka/片岡大右 @disk_kat

N・ランド「暗黒啓蒙」とD・グレーバー「啓蒙の脱植民地化」(『民主主義の非西洋起源について』ほか)の対比を軸に何か、という依頼によるもの...S・ピンカー、P・ティール、ユク・ホイ、J=W・ミュラーらも出てきます 暗黒×IDW×海賊…「啓蒙」の後で何を信じるのか? gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/738… #現代新書

2020-07-10 05:55:46
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro

Welcome to the Intellectual Dark Web, everybody who signed this letter. You have now been granted guest membership. You're a bit late, but happy to have you. harpers.org/a-letter-on-ju…

2020-07-08 21:51:05
GIGAZINE(ギガジン) @gigazine

新聞や雑誌のブラックリストに載ったジャーナリストが立ち上げた独立メディア「Quillette」とは? gigaz.in/2zMVxbY

2018-11-13 07:00:43
Pinkerite 👀 - off to Mastodon #tusknotmusk @Pinkerite1

New on Pinkerite How conservative and white supremacist is Quillette? Part 2 pinkerite.com/2020/06/how-co…

2020-06-28 03:28:40
The Crisis Magazine @thecrisismag

Why Racists (and Liberals!) Keep Writing for Quillette via @thenation What Quillette is essentially doing is repackaging these white nationalist ideas in milder, pseudo-intellectual form and selling them to liberals who aren’t reading closely. thenation.com/article/quille…

2019-12-07 09:08:06
Evan @EvanSandhoefner

Brilliant: "Steven Pinker's right-wing, alt-right & hereditarian connections". @Salonium, have you seen this? mcclernan.blogspot.com/2018/03/steven… pic.twitter.com/BYXSZek35B

2018-03-28 10:33:28
Pinkerite 👀 - off to Mastodon #tusknotmusk @Pinkerite1

Now Pinker's belief in this "tragedy" makes sense - "Scott Alexander" is a promoter of The Bell Curve, Charles Murray and the "Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence" hypothesis. rationalwiki.org/wiki/Scott_Ale… twitter.com/sapinker/statu…

2020-07-10 07:43:30
Steven Pinker @sapinker

Tragedy in the blogosphere: One of the best is being taken down. Scott Alexander (not his real name) explains: NYT Is Threatening My Safety By Revealing My Real Name, So I Am Deleting The Blog | Slate Star Codex slatestarcodex.com/2020/06/22/nyt…

2020-06-23 21:33:00
Jessica Cantlon @CantlonLab

The main problem with Pinker is that he used his status at Harvard and position as a linguist in a twisted legal assist for Jeffrey Epstein — a defense that allowed Epstein to rape more kids. @LingSocAm should care about corruption in deciding who to honor. twitter.com/CantlonLab/sta…

2020-07-08 01:50:57
Jessica Cantlon @CantlonLab

@wmatchin @sanewman1 to argue that child prostitution is only illegal if the child victims are lured by mail, an assist for Epstein pic.twitter.com/slnKnHDuyS

2020-07-07 11:34:28
Jessica Cantlon @CantlonLab

The second problem with Pinker is that he used his power to write a threatening public letter opposing a graduate student, Monica Morrison, who complained that her PhD advisor was sexually harassing her — he was Pinker’s friend. Her case: themiamihurricane.com/wp-content/upl… Pinker letter: pic.twitter.com/QYN8hTpoFc

2020-07-08 01:58:23
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

Steven Pinker has long been a darling of the white supremacist "alt-right." And he returns the favor twitter.com/S_Saeen/status…

2018-01-10 02:32:32
saeen @SaeenDiddyCombs

Steven Pinker: Alt-right ideologues are highly literate & intelligent people who join the movement because alt-right offers "true statements that have never been voiced in college campuses, NY Times or respectable media." pic.twitter.com/OyELyuvKIo

2018-01-10 01:34:57
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

For years, Steven Pinker endorsed the work of racist disgraced former NYT columnist Razib Khan, and even did an interview for his website web.archive.org/web/2006070522…

2018-01-10 02:37:55
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

Even the inveterate moderate Malcolm Gladwell has called out Steven Pinker for using supposed "data" from the white supremacist blogger Steve Sailer. businessinsider.com/gladwell-steve…

2018-01-10 02:42:53
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

"Human biodiversity," the ideological successor to eugenics, and the pseudoscientific racism of the white supremacist "Alt-Right" — featuring racist writers like Steve Sailer and Razib Khan forward.com/opinion/nation…

2018-01-10 02:50:15
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

Steven Pinker and the New York Times are making us dumber "If you look at the kinds of arguments Pinker often makes, they reduce to blaming the Left/Progressives/Liberals for things that the Right/Republicans/racists do." freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/201…

2018-01-13 02:20:39
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

"Respectable" centrists like Sam Harris give platforms to pseudoscientific racism and Steven Pinker blames "the PC left," while people like @JesseSingal pretend there isn't a problem with alt-right apologism and instead attack the left to get nice bylines. thehumanist.com/commentary/rin…

2018-01-13 02:31:24
Ben Norton @BenjaminNorton

@jessesingal In its profile on the alt-right, Politico noted white supremacists are greatly influenced by Steven Pinker's "The Blank Slate." @JesseSingal refused to engage with this pseudoscientific abuse of genetics and instead made a facile point about social media. politico.com/magazine/story… pic.twitter.com/oScaBk21Ui

2018-01-13 02:42:38
ライブドアニュース @livedoornews

【これは凄い】日本語に対応した「DeepL翻訳」の精度が高いと話題に news.livedoor.com/article/detail… 実際にDeepL翻訳を試した人からは、「方言まで訳すことができた」という報告も挙がっています。 pic.twitter.com/cB1GbnPj4x

2020-03-23 13:24:06
Jonathan Haidt @JonHaidt

.@sapinker is an exemplary academic, bringing interesting ideas to the public, with nuance. An "open letter" against him in part for tweeting academic studies is unfair. docs.google.com/document/d/17Z…

2020-07-05 00:56:11
Jonathan Haidt @JonHaidt

Coming after the David Shor firing (for tweeting Omar Wasow study), the message this letter sends to young scholars is: do not forward or cite studies whose conclusions challenge dominant views. Play it safe.

2020-07-05 00:56:11
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