2011 Books in Browsers Conference 1日目 (10/27) in S.F. #bib11

Internet ArhciveとO'Reilly Media共催のワークショップ"Books in Browsers" (2011/10/26-28 in San Francisco, CA) 1日目である10/27(木)のツィートをまとめました。見出しはそれらしき位置につけましたが、多少前後するかもしれません。お気をつけください。 Books in Browsers http://bib.archive.org/ 続きを読む
LJ's infoDOCKET @infodocket

Updated Sat. Morning: Presentations From Books in Browsers 2011 http://t.co/p129faeW #bib11 #digital #books #ebooks

2011-10-29 20:46:02


Morning session 1.
EPUB — out of the box. Bill McCoy (IDPF).
Elegantly On- and Offline. Blaine Cook(Programmer), Maureen Evans (Author).

Liz Castro @lizcastro

Ooh, invited to wander into the Internet Archive's scanner center. Will definitely do that. #bib11

2011-10-28 00:51:18
Liz Castro @lizcastro

+1 "What we need to make work is an open platform for ebooks." #bib11

2011-10-28 00:52:48
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

.@naypinya and i are remiss --- Twitter hashtag is #BIB11 (we really should have remembered to tell you guys that)

2011-10-28 00:53:14
Todd Carpenter tac_NISO at social.niso.org @TAC_NISO

. @billmccoy Standards don't have any intrinsic value => just a way to make things faster, better, cheaper. They need to be used #bib11

2011-10-28 00:59:35
Liz Castro @lizcastro

RT @footage: Bill McCoy: "standards have absolutely no intrinsic value" #bib11

2011-10-28 01:01:42
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

at #BiB11 @billmccoy shoutedout "What is EPUB3?" check it out (it's free) http://t.co/KXNktj1A

2011-10-28 01:02:11
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

@ifbook that's just how @naypinya and i are in real life..."juddery" -- strong coffee in San Francisco #bib11

2011-10-28 01:04:31
Liz Castro @lizcastro

But then doesn't that give "standards" an intrinsic value? #bib11

2011-10-28 01:05:32
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

awesome cause - worth a RT! RT @lizzywood: Please RT 4 @worldreaders #edreams donates 1€ to @worldreaders for each RT with #tweet2fly Thx!

2011-10-28 01:08:28
Liz Castro @lizcastro

About Fixed Layout, I think he meant RT @arhomberg: Apple has already implemented half the ePub3 features in iBooks says @billmccoy #BIB11

2011-10-28 01:10:37
Peter Brantley @naypinya

several live streaming options for #BiB11, including at http://t.co/Us0hFifp Books in Browsers live.

2011-10-28 01:11:54
Cedric Chin @ejames_c

Slightly tired. Okay really tired. Need more tea.

2011-10-28 01:14:23
Liz Castro @lizcastro

Bill McCoy: Most ebooks sold by Amazon were delivered by publisher in EPUB format. #bib11 (could that be?)

2011-10-28 01:14:27
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

@lizzywood anything for you and @worldreaders Liz. you guys really do stuff that matters. :)

2011-10-28 01:16:46
Liz Castro @lizcastro

A plea to IDPF: standardize how we write ePUB, I mean EPUB, Epub… #bib11 (should have taken photo of that screen with logo next to "EPUB"

2011-10-28 01:18:54
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

if you have questions for #BiB11 speakers - tweet them + @naypinya + i will try to get them answered during Q+A times

2011-10-28 01:20:03
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