Jake Adelstein による日本会議陰謀論

日本会議を怪しいカルト教団と発信することによって日本会議メンバー及び日本の保守層への差別と迫害を扇動。 Looks like he intends to agitate to discriminate or abuse Nihonkaigi members and Japanese conservatives by asserting them evil cult members. 朝日やニューヨークタイムズもこの扇動にのってるところを見ると、冗談じゃなく日本民族浄化への道筋を着けようとしているのではなかろうか?

@jakeadelstein が言うようにカルト教団が秘密裏に日本を操っているのか?アホらしい。

Jake Adelstein's conspiracy theory

Having spent 27 years at major newspapers, and lived more than a decade in Japan (including five years as a correspondent for the Washington Post), I have seen many articles of dubious journalistic quality about the Land of the Rising Sun.
But never have I come across a loopier specimen than “The Religious Cult Secretly Running Japan,” authored by Jake Adelstein and published on July 10 in The Daily Beast. In its perpetration of a baseless, racist conspiracy theory, this piece is akin to “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

「カルト教団が秘密裏に日本を操る」デイリービースト 7月10日付け ジェイク・エーデルスタイン

Paul Blustein @PaulBlustein

@jakeadelstein I confess I haven’t. Guess your piece must be right after all, despite lack of evidence, hilarious goof, wild leaps of logic.

2016-07-15 10:46:28



Paul Blustein @PaulBlustein

@tokyo_0 @jakeadelstein Doesn’t say “cult.” Doesn’t say “running Japan.” Defensible, by no means outrageous. Overwrought? A judgment call.

2016-07-15 11:59:36


Tokyo Outsider (337ppm) @tokyo_0

@PaulBlustein @jakeadelstein Interesting. Thanks for looking at it. Here's a more recent piece from the Asahi (日本語) asahi.com/articles/DA3S1…

2016-07-15 12:04:08


Paul Blustein @PaulBlustein

@tokyo_0 @jakeadelstein And I think that's reasonable. But it's a far cry from what @jakeadelstein said in his piece.

2016-07-15 12:07:55


Tokyo Outsider (337ppm) @tokyo_0

@PaulBlustein @jakeadelstein Personally I think three quarters of the cabinet and the PM being members of this organisation is a concern.

2016-07-15 12:05:42



Paul Blustein @PaulBlustein

@jakeadelstein @tokyo_0 Your definition of "fundamentally" must be different from mine.

2016-07-15 12:32:26


Tokyo Outsider (337ppm) @tokyo_0

@PaulBlustein My feel is @jakeadelstein's piece tries to convey a justifiable sense of alarm to a less sober audience unfamiliar with Japan.

2016-07-15 12:17:40


Paul Blustein @PaulBlustein

@tokyo_0 @jakeadelstein If you would just change "justifiable" to "unjustifiable," or better yet "hysterical," I'd agree w/every word.

2016-07-15 12:24:41


Tokyo Outsider (337ppm) @tokyo_0

@PaulBlustein @jakeadelstein I haven't spent 27 yrs in news but I have spent several years at a Japanese paper, and what I saw alarmed me.

2016-07-15 12:19:53
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