Alos4Amazon by Twitter

This is a tweet archives of Advanced training of Alos4Amazon .
Daniel Russo @russodanieldr

Hello Alos4amazon we are happy to participate in this trainia course #alos4amazon

2010-05-24 21:43:48
.42. @bob_sheldon

#alos4amazon hello! this is my bands twitter, but i will use in this training. Yeah! Rock n' roll!!

2010-05-24 21:45:36
Alfredo Maia  @AlfredoMaia

This is just a "test", from AMaia-IBAMA. Thanks. #alos4amazon

2010-05-24 21:45:49
Alos4Amazon Project @alos4amazon

Hi, you should use the hashtag #alos4amazon :-) Have a good the Earth!! @izabelbergh Training Advanced ALOS at CENSIPAM

2010-05-24 22:41:42
Alos4Amazon Project @alos4amazon

Yeah!! Rock'n roll!! @triplo20 #alos4amazon hello! this is my bands twitter, but i will use in this training. Yeah! Rock n' roll!!

2010-05-24 22:43:44
Alos4Amazon Project @alos4amazon

Muint Bom!! @russodanieldr Hello Alos4amazon we are happy to participate in this trainia course #alos4amazon

2010-05-24 22:44:27
Alos4Amazon Project @alos4amazon

Just now, I upload a morning presentation! please download from #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 01:30:30
Taichi Furuhashi 🇺🇦 @mapconcierge

昼食を食べ過ぎてしまいました。ハッシュタグを使うことで情報がフィルタしやすくなります! 半角スペースで区切るのがポイントです! @PalsarFringe 昼食で広い敷地内を20分程掛けて戻ってきたところ。 #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 01:32:17
.42. @bob_sheldon

#alos4amazon as Tim maia said: "we gonna rule the world, don't you know, don't you know?" #opengis

2010-05-25 02:34:41
Renata Teures @ReTeures

EPSG: 29190, EPSG: 29191, EPSG: 29192 for SAD1969/UTM 20S, 21S and 22S #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:18:47
Taichi Furuhashi 🇺🇦 @mapconcierge

I found this code! "EPSG:32720: WGS 84 / UTM zone 20S" #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:19:15
Izabel Bergh @izabelbergh

The code is EPSSG:32720: WGS 84 / UTM zone 20S #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:22:02
Renata Teures @ReTeures

I found EPSG 4618: SAD69, too. Why there are many codes for a same place? #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:28:00
.42. @bob_sheldon

EPSG Projection 22523 - Corrego Alegre / UTM zone 23S #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:32:06
Taichi Furuhashi 🇺🇦 @mapconcierge

I heard about simple question EPSG:29120 and EPSG:20170 is very similar. What's different? >> I will confirm!! #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:36:17
Izabel Bergh @izabelbergh

EPSG:31981: SIRGAS 2000 / UTM zone 21S; EPSG:31982: SIRGAS 2000 / UTM zone 22S and EPSG:31983: SIRGAS 2000 / UTM zone 23S #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:37:58
Alfredo Maia  @AlfredoMaia

"I found those codes: EPSG:29183 and EPSG:29193 for SAD1969 / UTM 23S" #alos4amazon

2010-05-25 03:43:20
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