
「悲喜劇」とはまさにこのことだと思います。80年代から90年代にかけてイングランド代表でもクラブでも華々しい活躍をみせたポール・ガスコインが、こんなことでニュースになるとは。 詳細は: ポール・ガスコインが、警察と対峙する銃撃犯の元にチキンと釣竿を差し入れようとしてニュースに…… http://nofrills.seesaa.net/article/155970714.html 続きを読む
Guardian news @guardiannews

Raoul Moat's three mobile phones found but fugitive remains at large http://bit.ly/cKWu8o

2010-07-10 03:38:40
Guardian news @guardiannews

Raoul Moat and police in confrontation as major operation gets under way http://bit.ly/9zZs0o

2010-07-10 04:09:58
Guardian news @guardiannews

Raoul Moat faces armed police in Rothbury as net closes around him http://bit.ly/9Lyzmo

2010-07-10 06:44:09
Guardian news @guardiannews

Raoul Moat's week on the run: how the search for the fugitive unfolded http://bit.ly/db7RtP

2010-07-10 09:18:03
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

銃を持ったまま逃げていた男、警察と6時間対峙した後、深夜1時ごろに自殺。記事末尾…酔っ払ったGazzaが現場に現れて「奴とは友達だから」と言い、何かをしようとしたらしい。 / Raoul Moat dead say police so… http://htn.to/jA98ed

2010-07-10 13:43:07
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

これ、作り話じゃないんだよなあ。。。ガスコイン、ここまできちゃってるのか。。。ほんとに昔の知り合いだったとしても、あの状況で、チキンの差し入れとかはまだしも、釣竿はないわー。 / Gazza brings Moat chicken | … http://htn.to/JHCSG8

2010-07-10 13:49:55
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

自分のtweetが、何を言っているのかわからない。基本的に、The Sunの報道内容を要約しているだけなのに。ガスコイン。。。衝撃的だ。

2010-07-10 14:07:30
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

ポール・ガスコインが、警察と対峙する銃撃犯の元にチキンと釣竿を差し入れようとしてニュースに…… | http://nofrills.seesaa.net/article/155970714.html

2010-07-10 19:00:08
Matt Drudge @tweetreddit

Raoul Moat: In a surreal development, Paul Gascoigne turned up at the police cordon in an intoxicated state... http://bit.ly/aZQohg #reddit

2010-07-10 20:07:22
salman jafri @salmanj10

whatthetrend.com: Gazza: Nickname of Paul Gascoigne, a former English footballer. In a bizarre scene... http://bit.ly/bhRHpN #trend#twitter

2010-07-10 18:53:01
Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak

Paul Gascoigne tells Metro Radio he brought Raoul Moat 'a can of lager, some chicken, a mobile phone' and some clothes.

2010-07-10 06:23:02
Ed Fraser @frasereC4

Paul Gazza Gascoigne is on location in Rothbury at the Raoul Moat siege. He says he knows Raoul Moat and has known him for years

2010-07-10 05:56:35
The Hairy Hobbit 🇪🇺🇮🇸🇨🇭🇸🇪🇳🇱 @bilbobaggins2k

I hope the situation in last 18 hours doesn't finally push Gazza over the edge. It'll be hard if he really did consider Raoul Moat a friend

2010-07-10 19:15:07
sherosays @sherosays

Gazza's intervention in #moat appears to have been written out of the 'quality' papers, however the Sun reports he was drunk.

2010-07-10 18:32:01
Andy Weltch @AWeltch

BBC news seems to have ignored the whole Gazza connection with the Raol Moat incident. BBC censorship??

2010-07-10 19:15:59
Mimi Wood @therealmimiwood

I should actually watch the news. Gazza turned up drunk to give Raoul Moat chicken n beer? You couldn't make it up!

2010-07-10 18:32:19
wewasleedzio @spaceisace

@apb2973 i thought the gazza story was a twitter wind up until i actually heard him speak

2010-07-10 18:53:29
McLovin @anxietythief

@AndyGoldstein5 I initially thought the Gazza thing was a Joke. After listening to that clip I wish it was a joke. Very sad stuff.

2010-07-10 18:59:05

@glenwells: http://bit.ly/de9Eg9 If you saw this pic and read this article on April 1st you'd be convinced you'd seen through the joke.”

2010-07-10 19:00:42
Richard Simpson @Richnozl

The Sun reckon Gazza had a chicken, some lager, a fishing rod and a dressing gown when he turned up at the Moat police Cordon last night!

2010-07-10 18:32:21
SeanT @seant666

@testmatchsofa Items Gazza brought to end the siege. Beer, chicken, a dressing gown and a fishing rod....

2010-07-10 18:38:46
emily @emil0r

Murderer? Wanted by police? Maybe an inebriated Gazza can assist, he'll bring you a dressing gown, beer, chicken & even a fishing rod!

2010-07-10 18:50:48
Trish Lilley @dustybaws

Gazza's help package - a dressing gown, a big coat, some chicken, bread, can of lager and a fishing rod. Are the Red Cross aware of this?

2010-07-10 18:59:43
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