
2010年5月の総選挙で、どの党も過半数に至らないという結果のなか発足した保守党とLiberal Democrats(LD)の連立政権が、歳出削減の具体策を示す作業に着手しつつあります。 先日はFSA(食品基準局)の廃止という方針が示されましたが、7月26日、文化・スポーツ省(ジェレミー・ハント大臣、保守党)から、UKフィルムカウンシル http://www.ukfilmcouncil.org.uk/ やMLA(博物館・図書館・アーカイヴ・カウンシル) http://www.mla.gov.uk/ など多くの機関の廃止や事業見直しとの方針が示されました。 それに対するTwitter上での反応を(主に自分が参照するために)まとめておきます。 続きを読む
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Sulidae (Bobby Motherwell) @TravisDurden

Watching culture minister Jeremy Hunt on Marr show. Is that the script from Alan Partridge meeting Tony Hayers? Life imitates art??

2010-07-25 17:54:56
Andrea Breau @beeandie

Jeremy Hunt does a lot of nodding when he speaks. I'm trying not to be distracted by it.

2010-07-25 17:51:26
Nick @Mo0dFo0d

is jeremy hunt a member of thunderbirds ? i have never seen someone who's head moves around so much please stop #marr

2010-07-25 17:57:29
Mike Rawlinson @mikerawly

Like a nodding dog>> RT @PercyBlakeney63: Jeremy Hunt, please keep your head STILL.

2010-07-25 17:50:00
Jess Chan @jesschan89

Jeremy hunt is so awkward on the andrew marr show!

2010-07-25 17:56:25
Michael Daley @theglorymill

Jeremy Hunt has now entered the realms of rhyming slang @jonmacqueen

2010-07-25 17:51:35
Darren Pauls @dazzpauls

does anyone else think Jeremy Hunt is a bit of a c**t

2010-07-25 22:12:53
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell

given my appalling history with delicate tongue twisters I dread interviewing Jeremy Hunt.

2010-07-25 18:38:50
diana smith @mulberrybush

Jeremy Hunt #marr shows arts and culture under threat. We have to find ways to support things we value - e.g.- Shakespeare in Stafford

2010-07-25 18:24:00
Theatres Trust @TheatresTrust

Transcript of Jeremy Hunt on BBC The Andrew Marr Show 25 July 10 #artsfunding #cultureforum http://snurl.com/zu3sm

2010-07-25 22:02:15
The Hepworth Wakefield @HepworthGallery

On Sunday 25 July Andrew Marr interviewed the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt MP - full transcript is here: http://bit.ly/cYlCVB #artsfunding

2010-07-26 06:33:37
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt calls on the BBC to be more open about how much it pays its top stars. http://bit.ly/abYXrY

2010-07-25 20:21:22
Julian Swainson @julianswainson

I want some openness from Jeremy Hunt about how he has promised Murdoch that Tories will diminish the BBC.

2010-07-25 22:07:55
Pamela Peggy @nthwesthreegal

Jeremy Hunt get your hands off the BBC or you will have a revolution on your hands from people who can think for themselves.

2010-07-26 05:10:37
Media Guardian @mediaguardian

BBC website 'needs clearer red lines' to let competitors survive http://bit.ly/dltQfg

2010-07-26 05:03:40
Miles Weaver @mrmilesweaver

BBC website 'needs clearer red lines' http://bit.ly/dltQfg 'We'll destroy your rivals for you soon Mr Murdoch, honest!'

2010-07-26 05:30:26
John Cochrane @cochranejohn

RT @RNFutureTense: The future of BBC online.. New gov't not convinced about BBC recent direction - http://bit.ly/dltQfg

2010-07-26 13:57:12
Intravenus De Milo @IntravenusMP

@martinlucas I do like some content, I object to the way it's funded and it corrupts it's market. Jeremy Hunt made some good points this am

2010-07-26 07:39:03

I love how Jeremy Hunt keeps sending messages to the BBC to get in line and they're not listening. Wonder when they'll stop being so biased.

2010-07-26 08:04:30
Tom Watson @tom_watson

Jeremey Hunt calls for BBC online red lines: http://bit.ly/aOFh5E but charter obliges online content: http://bit.ly/cX4Emh

2010-07-26 05:23:12
Jamie Shoesmith @jamesfarrier

@bloggerheads Once again to quote from The Now Show: "Jeremy Hunt? More like Jeremy CU.......lture Secretary".

2010-07-26 05:47:04
Myles Runham @mylesrun

"We're going through a transparency revolution in government at the moment... I think the BBC could learn from that." http://bit.ly/cmCHRw

2010-07-26 16:23:31
kate @pastyface43

God I love the #BBC. Jeremy Hunt and the rest of the bloody Tories should fuck off and leave it alone #Sherlock

2010-07-26 06:30:39
Matthew @cooksey87

Hmm nice to hear the impartiality rules for tv networks will be maintained http://bit.ly/dltQfg no Fox News style news/channels then! :D

2010-07-26 05:19:22
Matthew Judge 🇺🇦 @MattyJudge

Jeremy Hunt reaffirms 'love' for #BBC & rejects the idea of a British 'Fox News' - http://bit.ly/br69pu

2010-07-26 06:51:06
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