
疫学・臨床像を中心に 放射線関連の小児甲状腺がんと放射線被ばく歴のない小児甲状腺がんとの間には、臨床像・予後に差がないことが知られている。(Tuttle RM 2011) 小児甲状腺がんの頻度は少ないが、その臨床像は判ってきている (Ito Y. Kuma Hospital 2012)。
前へ 1 ・・ 4 5
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Fukunaga FH. (1975): Table 3. Size of Tumors http://t.co/NrZR1YZQ

2013-02-20 23:46:42
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Fukunaga FH. (1975): Prevalence of Occult Tyroid Carcinomas at Autopsy http://t.co/j3ByoelJ

2013-02-20 23:48:22

Ito Y. 20歳以下の甲状腺乳頭がんの予後

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen ItoY. (2012) "Prognosis and prognostic factors of papillary thyroid carcinoma in patients under 20 years" https://t.co/lVdq6SsX

2013-02-20 20:04:16
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012): Table1 Difference in clinicopathological features between M0 and M1 PTC patients under 20 years(%) http://t.co/yo2aOrWA

2013-02-20 20:11:05
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012): Fig. 1 LN-RFS of 101 PTC patients under 20 years. http://t.co/QycRbuVW

2013-02-20 20:12:11
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012): Fig. 2 DRFS of 101 PTC patients under 20 years. http://t.co/N9o9jqvE

2013-02-20 20:13:17
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012): Table 2 Uni- and multivariate analyses for LN-RFS of 102 patients under 20 years. http://t.co/zaSaAqrO

2013-02-20 20:14:36
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012): Table 3 Uni- and multivariate analyses for DRFS of 102 patients under 20 years http://t.co/25VBy5NT

2013-02-20 20:15:35
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012): "aggressive characteristics such as distant metastasis at diagnosis, a large tumor size, and large node metastasis ..."

2013-02-20 20:18:31
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012) "... were frequently detected in PTC patients younger than 20 years"

2013-02-20 20:19:09
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012) "Node metastasis 3 cm or larger and an age of 16 years or younger independently predict a poor LN-RFS,"

2013-02-20 20:20:25
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012) "node metastasis 3 cm or larger and significant extrathy- roid extension were independent prognostic factors for DRFS"

2013-02-20 20:21:15
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012) "51 patients did not undergo total thyroidectomy at .. initial surgery. .. only 2 (4%) .. recurrence to .. remnant thyroid"

2013-02-20 20:24:59
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012) "high-dose RAI administration immediately after surgery should be avoided ..."

2013-02-20 20:27:01
Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

@myen Ito (2012) "... and routine total thyroidectomy is not mandatory for patients with no aggressive features."

2013-02-20 20:27:43

Tuttle RM チェルノブイリ事故に関連した甲状腺がんの臨床像

Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Tuttle RM (2011) "Clinical presentation and clinical outcomes in Chernobyl-related paediatric thyroid cancers .." http://t.co/nROrZ3eF

2013-02-14 18:37:25



Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Tuttle (2011) Talbe 1. Initial presenting features and primary clinical outcomes http://t.co/60leaA2j

2013-02-14 18:43:30


Seiichi Ushikubo @sushikubo

Tuttle RM. (2011) Table 3 paediatric, non-radiation-related differentiated thyroid cancers http://t.co/fWDRa73T

2013-02-14 18:49:32

Tuttle RM. (2011) http://togetter.com/li/386097

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