Terry Jonesの野望

ふとTwitterの画面を見たらTerry Jonesがトレンディング・トピック入りしていました。まさか…と思ってクリックしたところ…… Nobody expects, er, er ... ……というわけで、あのテリー・ジョーンズさんではなかったのですが、その話もtwitter上にはたくさんありまして、それらをまとめておきつつ、今回話題のテリー・ジョーンズさんについてもまとめてみました。 プロフィールは米ABCの記事が読みやすくわかりやすかったです。 続きを読む
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Bally @Balboaonline

if u haven't already....go watch this anderson cooper , terry jones interview on cnn.com this nigga is out of his mind

2010-09-08 21:30:07
J. Michael Mollohan @ReverendMojo

"Dr." Terry Jones has made up his mind & can't change it merely because of sanity, facts, public opinion or anything else. #fundaMENTAList

2010-09-08 21:27:20
JHE @Ihennessy79

Terry Jones should pray for the safety of American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of burning the qu'ran.

2010-09-08 23:56:34

Somebody needs to tell Terry Jones' ignorant ass that burning the Koran is NOT CHRISTIAN! It is just EVIL! makes him no better than 9/11 ter

2010-09-08 21:10:48
JonRSpradley @UrbanRedev

Pastor Terry Jones may have the rt 2 burn any book he likes, incl the Quran. He also has the rt 2 B an arrogant, self-serving horse's ass.

2010-09-08 21:01:19
Aaron Billard @AaronBillard

I love how the earth has stopped spinning long enough for the major religions of the world to hold hands and say Terry Jones is an arse.

2010-09-08 23:01:57
princewonder @princewonder

Pastor Terry Jones of FL is endorsing the burning of Qurans on 9/11. Stupidity comes in many forms, including redneck pastors!

2010-09-08 21:47:39
Dr Jess Langston @jess_L81

@cuntoftheweek can I nominate Reverend Terry Jones, a christian pastor in the US who is inviting people to come and burn Korans.

2010-09-08 21:41:12

Pastor Terry Jones is either a completely deluded fcukwit or in the pocket of AIPAC and the Globalists #Islam #libertarian #AntiWar

2010-09-08 21:13:56

I'm surprised Pastor Terry Jones hasn't had a mysterious CIA-induced heart attack by now

2010-09-08 23:42:22
Ernest Koe @ernestkoe

"We are simply burning a book." - Pastor Terry Jones. How did we get here?

2010-09-08 23:42:26

Pastor Terry Jones, if you are just "simply" burning a book, then what's the point?! If ppl "simply" burned the Bible, thatd be cool?

2010-09-08 22:04:54
Μatthew Niemier @mniemier

I wonder if Terry Jones would back down if Muslims took a stand and burned copies of the Holy Bible? Turn the cheek, homie!

2010-09-08 22:05:55
thecarleeshow @thecarleeshow

Dear Terry Jones Matt 5:44 but I say to you,love your enemies,bless those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you

2010-09-08 22:04:04

This whole Terry Jones burning the Quran on 9/11 thing is making me so embarrassed/ashamed to be from Florida. :-(

2010-09-08 21:02:04
abbyemcgee @abbyemcgee

So saddened by the ignorance of Terry Jones and his congregation. Another reason I hate "religion" - it makes people stupid.

2010-09-08 21:47:36
Katy Jones @ImAGingerMonkey

Seriously? Burn a Koran day on 9/11? WTF is up with this lunatic Terry Jones?

2010-09-08 21:06:26
Calvin @calvinstowell

Stop giving Pastor Terry Jones and his 'Burn The Quran' day any relevancy. He is a lunatic.

2010-09-08 22:41:15
Marty Major @Marty_Major

Pastor Terry Jones in FL will only stop Burn A Koran Day if "god tells him to". I got $5 (max 5 bettors) says god tells him not to do it :)

2010-09-08 20:49:44
Don Millard @OTOOLEFAN

So, God told Terry Jones to burn Korans? Another psycho like Beck who thinks God tells him what to do.

2010-09-08 22:15:30
Jae @LamiaAcademia

So Terry Jones, is this God or just your ego talking?

2010-09-08 22:13:09
Jackie Park-Cross @JackieCross

Ok. Pastor Terry Jones is crazy. Has some serious issues! WTF?!?!

2010-09-08 21:12:30
zaharibb @zaharibb

Pastor Terry Jones is a mad and insane man

2010-09-08 21:16:56

Terry Jones: "It's what God would do." Oh, well, in that case. Crack on.

2010-09-08 21:31:12
Patrick @burtpatarach

Terry Jones, you are an absolutely scumbag. I despair with the world. Thank a fictitious deity with have rainbows and call of duty. #Quran

2010-09-08 20:39:33
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