
ふと見ると、英語圏のトレンディング・トピックスで howtopisswhitepeopleoffというハッシュタグが盛り上がっていました。「白人をうんざりさせる/怒らせる/いやがらせる方法」。 中身は(モンティ・パイソンで「スコットランド人」や「フランス人」をおちょくっていたような)「ステレオタイプ・ジョーク」がほとんどですが(ただしここでは基準は米国)、私のような部外者にとっては「今の米国の白人についてのステレオタイプ」には意外と興味深いものもあったのでまとめておくことにしました。 あくまでも、「関西人は何でもオチをつけたがる」とか「名古屋の人は何でも味噌をつける」とかいう感じの「ネタ」として(=本気にしない程度に)。 続きを読む
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#HowToPissWhitePeopleOff invite them over to your peoples house, give them the address and let them figure out they just rolled into WATTS

2010-09-16 15:27:01

OMG that's so tru lol RT @JohnnyMarines: #HowToPissWhitePeopleOff pick up your phone in the movies and talk mad loud

2010-09-16 15:27:02
Franzia Ferdinand @500daysofsumher

2 every1 participating in the #howtopisswhitepeopleoff TT: please dont spell shit wrong, use words u don't know/ words u do know incorrectly

2010-09-16 15:27:02
Baghdad @DefconOneIzzy

#howtopisswhitepeopleoff call a bad call while playin basketball and tell them to shoot for it

2010-09-16 15:27:03

#howtopisswhitepeopleoff move into their neighborhood and have a barbeque

2010-09-16 15:27:04
Kasual @OfficialKasual

#howtopisswhitepeopleoff on the bus. Play music on your phone loud as hell while rapping the lyrics

2010-09-16 15:27:06

Lmao now thts funny RT @aye_bayy: We don't even needa know #HowToPissWhitePeopleOff. Kanye showed us at last year VMAs

2010-09-16 15:27:10
Eric Martin @MrEricMartin

Now where have I seen that tweet before? RT @iamsammii #HowToPissWhitePeopleOff Run Nascar commercials in Spanish.

2010-09-16 15:27:10
Johnny Marines @JohnnyMarines

#HowToPissWhitePeopleOff Tell them your in the next season of Dancing with the stars

2010-09-16 15:27:11
Super Saiyan Eli @EwantsDOE

Hahahah RT @dollfacedkillah: #Howtopisswhitepeopleoff tell them justin bieber is your babysdaddy on maury like baby baby baby ohhh

2010-09-16 15:27:11

make sure to wear a smile when askin 'em if they voted for obama... #howtopisswhitepeopleoff

2010-09-16 15:27:12
Burner acct @LKBSelfPro

#Howtopisswhitepeopleoff tell them blacks will always be superior no matter what they do to us.

2010-09-16 15:27:16
Game @GametimeBurnett

#howtopisswhitepeopleoff remind 'em on the daily that there's a black man run'n the white house

2010-09-16 15:27:18
🦋Melissa💙🏁 @fcf2me22

@SquareBoiShadie: #howtopisswhitepeopleoff Scream My Presidents Blakc!! Every Time U Pass Them”<=on me (cont) http://tl.gd/62fn5h

2010-09-16 15:27:19
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