「鬼滅の刃」主人公、竈門 炭治郎(かまど たんじろう)の耳飾りは旭日旗であるという主張

旭日旗とか日本の旗をRSFlagっていうんですね。初めて知りました ※注意:まとめたツイートの量が大量であまりまとまってません。またほとんどが英語で未翻訳です。もしかしたら関係のないツイートを拾ってる可能性もあります。 時間があったら翻訳の方も手をつけていきたいと思いますのでそれまでは各自で翻訳をお願いします。
nazedoco @nazedoco

アニメ「鬼滅の刃」主人公の耳飾りは旭日旗の意匠なのでファンアートでは描くなと中国韓国のオタクが英語で呼びかけ中。作品自体は攻めないオタク心。他国からの反応は冷淡に見えるが、英語話者が多いと国際情報戦には強い。敵でも味方でもなく、「その他大勢」に広報しないと意味ないものな。 pic.twitter.com/VK2ZOBGp6p

2019-09-08 17:40:01
nazedoco @nazedoco

この「中国韓国が英語で情報発信している」というツイートに日本語で愚痴る人やら、いきなり日本政府に頼る現役の中野区議先生がいたりする。自分の信念を英語で発信しないのね。旭日旗でもなんでも国際的な承認を得るには日本国外・日本語以外での地道な積み重ねが大事と思います。先方はやってるし。 pic.twitter.com/uPLsfxpsFi

2019-09-09 23:29:26
いけさん ィェィㇴ太郎 @is_ikesan

>あっという間に完成! 『鬼滅の刃』のファンアートには修正版を使って!! 皆が炭治郎のイヤリングにオリジナルのデザインを使いたいと思っているのは知ってるけど、ナチズム、帝国主義、文化的大量虐殺に関連した旗が本当に欲しい? おいおいおい! なんかすげえことになってるぞ! twitter.com/insatiablejudg…

2019-09-10 02:15:12
いけさん ィェィㇴ太郎 @is_ikesan

元ツイ自体は韓国人のアカウントみたいですね。 リプ欄がそれはもう炎上しまくってる。

2019-09-10 02:15:13
いけさん ィェィㇴ太郎 @is_ikesan


2019-09-10 02:25:42
いけさん ィェィㇴ太郎 @is_ikesan

いろんな国のオタク(特に非東アジア系アジア人)からボッコボコに文句言われて、以下のツイートから謝罪しつつ、「でも旭日旗は戦犯旗だから」と頑なに主張して、「これ以上絡んでくる奴はブロックです」とキレて終わってる。 twitter.com/insatiablejudg…

2019-09-10 02:26:43
いけさん ィェィㇴ太郎 @is_ikesan


2019-09-10 02:41:46
5億円 2017 @Beriya


2019-09-10 12:34:02



‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

for real, i really do not tolerate any anime merch/fanart that includes the ri/sing sun flag... just please dont use it, its SO easy to modify it without the rays. just use japans current flag, not the one they used when colonizing and terrorizing innocent people during ww2 🤦‍♀️

2019-09-08 02:59:09
💫FELIX LOVE BOT💫 @yongboklovebot

i'm glad that lots of people are signal-boosting the issue with tanjirou's earrings, but i'm really sick of not seeing anyone mention how there's literally an alternate OFFICIAL version made for the anime's airing in china. you can easily find it by googling "tanjirou earrings" pic.twitter.com/nUNp3HaGd3

2019-09-08 03:10:27
💫FELIX LOVE BOT💫 @yongboklovebot

every single fucking post is like "um hewwo some kowean awtists awe changing the design which is weally cool..!" no they're drawing the ACTUAL design from the chinese version and everyone else can, too!! it is easy!! please!!!!

2019-09-08 03:11:53
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

made this really quick! please try to use the modified version, kny/demon slayer fans!! i know you guys want to use the original design for tanjiro's earrings, but do you really want a flag thats associated with na/zis, imperialism, and cultural genocide? pic.twitter.com/IUy3fXzI7F

2019-09-08 03:12:10
💫FELIX LOVE BOT💫 @yongboklovebot

this is also very relevant for cosplayers, not just artists! like i said, if you google "tanjirou earrings," you'll also get results for actual earrings that you can buy that have the alternate design, so please remember that if you're planning to cosplay him!

2019-09-08 03:15:13
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

if you think "historial accuracy" is important to this, you must be really dense. there is No historical or plot driven reason why tanjiro's earrings are designed with the r/ising sun flag. historical accuracy is not relevant in this case.

2019-09-08 03:54:15
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

i wholeheartedly agree that many jp mangaka are right wing/have imperialist beliefs, but to assume every single one is imperialistic is ridiculous. there are many jp artists and advocates fighting for change in japan and it would be so awful to take that away from them...

2019-09-08 04:20:33
min / eiha @LUPATIER

Please listen to us. Don’t draw the rising sun flag. It’s a symbol of Japanese imperialism. It’s the N*zi symbol of the East. It’s the flag of the jpn far right, like the US confederate flag. It should only be used carefully in political/historical context, not for anime fanart.

2019-09-08 06:10:53
chr @walkingemoji

person of southeast asian descent: hey we dont find this offensive at all and this post is kind of ridiculous to be honest random sensitive jackass: oh sorry to hear that but heres why youre wrong and misinformed about your own culture. let me be offended on your behalf pic.twitter.com/AE1VsGDTez

2019-09-08 08:57:19
chr @walkingemoji

how can people be so entitled and sensitive in this day and age is beyond me. i hate people

2019-09-08 08:58:24
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

BRUH people really be thinking that my great grandparents arent direct victims of japanese aggression and cultural genocide oh my god 😭people realize that this topic is not known, even to korean, chinese, and southeast asian americans? because our disconnect of our own culture? twitter.com/skypilIar/stat…

2019-09-08 10:05:09
‼️read my pinned!‼️ @insatiablejudge

some ppl don't know their history or their native country's social and political problems bc THEY DONT LIVE THERE. or weren't raised within that culture. its the responsibility of those who actually know what going on to spread awareness. imagine getting mad about that.

2019-09-08 10:13:50
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