Scalaのコミッターの人が「Cake Patternはアンチパターンだ」と言って話題に! gkossakowskiさんはtypesafeの中の人です。 Scalaコンパイラ内部は超巨大なCake Patternでできていることで有名です。たとえば最近ではdjspiewakさんが 続きを読む
Timothy Perrett @timperrett

@debasishg @dridus @gkossakowski perhaps something can be done to improve handling of monad stacks…?

2013-07-27 03:36:24
Ross MacLeod @dridus

@timperrett @debasishg @gkossakowski I feel positive that is so, though exactly how is open to much debate

2013-07-27 03:37:05
Timothy Perrett @timperrett

@dridus @debasishg @gkossakowski right. Perhaps some enterprising soul will craft some macro magic to save the day

2013-07-27 03:37:57
Christos KK Loverdos ☕ @loverdos

@debasishg @gkossakowski @dridus Modular programming with interfaces and injected implementations based on acyclic dependency graph

2013-07-27 03:38:36
Ross MacLeod @dridus

@timperrett @debasishg @gkossakowski while I am a fan of “fancy new tool” I feel like even the shape of the solution is unknown (to me)

2013-07-27 03:38:56
Rúnar @runarorama

@vilester @debasishg @gkossakowski @dridus @psnively @timperrett That's an excellent idea. You know how I love reasonably priced monads.

2013-07-27 04:10:47
S @seanparsons

@gkossakowski I think it's good in the small, but in the large it's horrifying.

2013-07-27 06:20:31
S @seanparsons

@gkossakowski @debasishg @dridus We're using the Scalaz Reader monad extensively now, everything is simpler now.

2013-07-27 06:24:09
Colt Frederickson @coltfred

@gkossakowski I'd love to hear your experiences compared to @djspiewak . He seems to think it's good. Gonna write a blog post?

2013-07-27 08:14:04
Kifi Engineering @kifi_eng

.@gkossakowski @debasishg @dridus we use and love Guice in larger scale production code and multi play projects

2013-07-27 08:47:48
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@coltfred @gkossakowski It really depends on what exactly you call the Cake Pattern. Some variants are wretched.

2013-07-27 08:55:45
Daniel Spiewak @djspiewak

@coltfred @gkossakowski I cannot speak highly enough about the variant we used at Precog though.

2013-07-27 08:56:02
Juan Fandango @heisenbison

@gkossakowski @DRMacIver @natpryce We use cake pattern at work. I don't mind it but it has flaws. Looking at poss using Reader monad instead

2013-07-27 09:33:33
Colt Frederickson @coltfred

@larsr_h @djspiewak @gkossakowski We currently use it for mixing in dependencies and for mixing in functionality (aka namespacing)

2013-07-27 11:11:17
Eugene Burmako @eugene_burmako

@missingfaktor @gkossakowski I sure love the fact that it simplifies dependency management, but...

2013-07-27 16:33:43
Eugene Burmako @eugene_burmako

@missingfaktor @gkossakowski …we wanted to implement quasiquotes as a library, but then integrating them into the reflection cake...

2013-07-27 16:34:51
Eugene Burmako @eugene_burmako

@missingfaktor @gkossakowski …became prohibitively verbose, so we dropped that idea and just hardcoded quasiquotes into the cake

2013-07-27 16:35:40