かのタコは死してなお、TwitterのTrending Topicsに入る。 #paultheoctopus

彼がいなかったら「ブブゼラ」しか盛り上げる材料がなかったかもしれない――今年のワールドカップに関して、それほどに大きな役割を担ったとされるドイツの水族館の「予言タコ」のパウルくんが、この世での時間を終えたと、今日報じられました。 これに伴い、Twitter上に飛び交っている追悼のことばから、少し。 普通にシリアスな場面で用いられる英語の定番フレーズ(青色で表示。「○○様のご逝去を悼み、謹んでお悔やみを申し上げます」的なもの)の例文集としても、また「死ぬ」の婉曲表現集(緑色で表示。pass away, bite the dust, snuff itなど)としても、ご活用ください。
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Vinny Goods @djvinnygoods

Can't believe this is breaking news RT @BreakingNews: Paul the World Cup 'psychic' octopus who shot to fame ... http://tmi.me/2AGrM

2010-10-26 19:43:16
DarkSkinChronicles @urSWIFTness

¬_¬ Dis is news worthy?? RT @King4ty: RT @djayjuls: RT @SkySports: Paul The Psychic Octopus from the World Cup (cont) http://tl.gd/6lkori

2010-10-26 19:43:31

Herd d psychic octopus is dead...wot else is new??

2010-10-26 19:53:28

RIP Paul the #Psychic Octopus. Why was he named Paul?

2010-10-26 19:53:07
Mitch Day @mitch_day

Paul the psychic Octopus died! He did well tho...he was 3 years old! The average Octopus lives until around...3!

2010-10-26 19:44:08
blonde-dar @velvetrealm

first gregory isaacs, now paul the psychic octopus... who's to be next - princess anne??? it just doesn't bear thinking about...

2010-10-26 19:44:16

Paul the psychic octopus dies? It's a cover-up - actually he's been abducted by aliens searching for intelligent life form!

2010-10-26 19:53:56

Fishy stories in the news: one psychic octopus dead whilst a woman with crabs (of the marine variety) gets done for smuggling.

2010-10-26 19:51:36
AOL Money @MoneyAOL

Paul the 'psychic' octopus passing away is good but not as good as the Neo-Nazi couple who find out they are Jewish http://tiny.cc/qgyd8

2010-10-26 19:43:24
G @kidnappedbygaga

I'm going to dress up in some tentacles to start my day of mourning for Paul the psychic octopus.

2010-10-26 19:51:03

A minute's tweet silence please RT @SkyNewsBreak Paul the World Cup 'psychic' octopus has died, says his aquarium in Germany

2010-10-26 19:53:33
noiseboyartist @noiseboyartist

In memory of Paul the Psychic Octopus I propose 1 minute of constant vuvuzelas.

2010-10-26 19:43:37
annisa heru putranti @annisaHP

Rest in peace, Paul. thanks for entertaining us :( RT @FourFourTwo: Paul the Psychic Octopus has passed away

2010-10-26 19:43:44

Paul the psychic Octopus is Dead.. RIP the great predictor and Entertainer.

2010-10-26 19:51:30

Sad times- rip Paul the psychic octopus :( no more random football predictions from Germany!

2010-10-26 19:51:24

Paul the Psychic Octopus...dead? How did we not see this coming?

2010-10-26 19:53:34

So, Paul the Psychic Octopus has died - no one predicted that, did they? ;-)

2010-10-26 19:53:08

Paul the psychic octopus has passed away. So long, the not blur sotong.

2010-10-26 19:52:22
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

sotong: http://bit.ly/bEbf11 'dumb like squid...used with "blur" which is a mental state somewhere between spacey, oblivious, and retarded.'

2010-10-26 20:57:39

'psychic octopus' has made it to the trending topics worldwide!

2010-10-26 19:52:48
朝日新聞コブク郎 @asahi_tokyo

あのタコ・パウル君をたたえるコーナーがドイツ・オーバーハウゼン水族館にできました。 http://t.asahi.com/15b0

2011-01-21 14:29:34
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

asahi.com(朝日新聞社):予言ダコ・パウルたたえるコーナー設置 ドイツの水族館 - 国際 via kwout http://kwout.com/t/mmbwfzeh

2011-01-21 15:03:30
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