
緊縮財政下にある英国のイングランドで(スコットランドは立法が別)、2012年から、大学の学費が大幅に値上げされることが、11月初めに発表されました(最大で現在の約3倍、年額£9000になる)。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11677862 これに反対する大学生をはじめ、大学進学を考えている高校生や、子供や孫を大学にやりたいと考えている年長世代、直接関係はなくても大学生の抗議を支持する人々が、11月10日にロンドンでデモを行ないました。NUS (the National Union of Students) が組織したこのデモには、イングランドだけでなくスコットランドからも大学単位で学生連合が参加し、総勢5万人という、学生のデモとしては近年で最大の規模となったとのことです。しかし一方で……。 続きを読む
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Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

@NUSUK & @UCU lead the way with the first major protest against draconian CSR cuts with the biggest student demo in generations. #demo2010

2010-11-10 18:20:26
RiverOnline @river_online

Follow river online on the march today #kujourno

2010-11-10 18:42:15
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

Stuart Aberdeen 'i want to show the tories that we want them leaving downing St in tears, not grinning while they cut our lives' #demo2010

2010-11-10 18:58:48
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

Students gathering at ulu and lse placard:9k is not ok #demo2010

2010-11-10 19:01:10
NUS UK @nusuk

Students prepare to take to London's streets http://bit.ly/aoj1Oj #demo2010

2010-11-10 19:02:14
RiverOnline @river_online

50 angry students leaving Kiongston Station now #kuhourno

2010-11-10 19:09:30
NUS UK @nusuk

Hope everyone heading to #demo2010 is having a good journey tweet your progress and your chants

2010-11-10 19:12:24
RiverOnline @river_online

Tim is off to protest with the anarchists and is assured action is planned by the radical workers and students bloc #kujourno

2010-11-10 19:13:04
RiverOnline @river_online

At Westminster, barriers being unloaded and set up along whitehall. No sign of students yet but an ever increasing police presence #kujourno

2010-11-10 19:18:47
NUS UK @nusuk

Placards are being unloaded on Horse Guards Avenue #demo2010

2010-11-10 19:28:53
RiverOnline @river_online

Horse Guards Parade- unloading placards and chanting has started #kujourno

2010-11-10 19:44:04
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

250 have arrived from southampton uni at housguards assembly point Placards include 'Eton Mess' #demo2010

2010-11-10 19:46:55
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Students gathering on Horse Guards ahead of demo at 1230.

2010-11-10 19:49:29
RiverOnline @river_online

Becky,19 graphic design and photography student 1st March: "If fees were £6000 no way could I come to KU" #kujourno

2010-11-10 19:49:43
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Students chanting F*** the fees will make for an interesting live.

2010-11-10 19:53:30
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

Random placards: 'Lie Dems', 'close the tax gap not my uni', 'cut tories not education' 'step outside posh boy'

2010-11-10 19:55:18
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

Around 200 students in student cafe at Kings placards 'Liar Clegg on fire', 'Polly Toynbee & Simon Jenkins know nothing' #demo2010

2010-11-10 20:02:47
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Good turn out of students already outside the MoD.

2010-11-10 20:03:31
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Best outfit so far goes to over weight student dressed as batman.

2010-11-10 20:04:28
RiverOnline @river_online

Westminster no-one in sight, police have not taken any precautions "it's the organisers who take the precautions not us" #kujourno

2010-11-10 20:11:01
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

It's very depressing seeing the standard of English on the placards at student march.

2010-11-10 20:11:45
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