
緊縮財政下にある英国のイングランドで(スコットランドは立法が別)、2012年から、大学の学費が大幅に値上げされることが、11月初めに発表されました(最大で現在の約3倍、年額£9000になる)。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11677862 これに反対する大学生をはじめ、大学進学を考えている高校生や、子供や孫を大学にやりたいと考えている年長世代、直接関係はなくても大学生の抗議を支持する人々が、11月10日にロンドンでデモを行ないました。NUS (the National Union of Students) が組織したこのデモには、イングランドだけでなくスコットランドからも大学単位で学生連合が参加し、総勢5万人という、学生のデモとしては近年で最大の規模となったとのことです。しかし一方で……。 続きを読む
NUS UK @nusuk

Students challenge Clegg to defend tripling of fees to pay for education cuts at national demonstration. Read at http://bit.ly/dePLAp

2010-11-05 23:03:49
NUS UK @nusuk

Join us and thousands of students, staff and supporters tomorrow to defend education - 11.30am Horse Guards Avenue, London #demo2010

2010-11-09 20:56:04
NUS UK @nusuk

Students prepare to take to London's streets to fight for education in mass demonstration. Read more at http://bit.ly/dc8DxH

2010-11-10 01:38:51
Socialist Worker @socialistworker

Socialist Worker will have updates of tomorrow's education demo on twitter and at www.socialistworker.co.uk

2010-11-10 07:16:35
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

on my way to my first interview of the day, at @SkyNews

2010-11-10 16:06:53
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

big shout to Unions who have already been on the road for hours! #demo2010

2010-11-10 16:15:21
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

The PM is addressing students in China today. He might want to listen to students here! We invited Nick Clegg to speak today, no reply tho!

2010-11-10 16:17:20
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

Expecting the biggest student demo in over a decade today. #demo2010

2010-11-10 16:19:01
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

Invited @nick_clegg to 'look students in the eye' and speak at the demo rally today. He didn't reply. #sellout #demo2010

2010-11-10 16:32:28
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

Wondering if @timeshighered will be joining us on the demo today? #demo2010

2010-11-10 16:33:09
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

As David Cameron speaks to students in China, I doubt he can look students in the eye here! #demo2010

2010-11-10 16:37:31
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

Just had a text to say 600 students are on the way down from Sheffield. Amazing. #demo2010

2010-11-10 16:38:55
NUS UK @nusuk

Follow @nusuk today for live updates from #demo2010

2010-11-10 17:15:13
NUS UK @nusuk

London is sunny but cold - our advice... Wear gloves! #demo2010

2010-11-10 17:46:05
NUS UK @nusuk

#demo2010 is top trending topic in UK - don't forget to tag your tweets, let's keep it there

2010-11-10 17:59:51
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

Already bumped into @eusa, Aberdeen & @NUS_Liam who have all arrived at ULU. #demo2010

2010-11-10 18:10:29
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

We join students at King's College London ahead of today's tuition fees demo. Do you agree with their points? http://bit.ly/bfVnyf #c4news

2010-11-10 18:12:29
NUS UK @nusuk

Stewards are receiving their final brief, great excitement and anticipation at NUS' #demo2010 base

2010-11-10 18:14:50
Aaron Porter @AaronPorter

Students already streaming into ULU. More than 2hrs before the meet up time. #demo2010

2010-11-10 18:15:39
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