
緊縮財政下にある英国のイングランドで(スコットランドは立法が別)、2012年から、大学の学費が大幅に値上げされることが、11月初めに発表されました(最大で現在の約3倍、年額£9000になる)。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-11677862 これに反対する大学生をはじめ、大学進学を考えている高校生や、子供や孫を大学にやりたいと考えている年長世代、直接関係はなくても大学生の抗議を支持する人々が、11月10日にロンドンでデモを行ないました。NUS (the National Union of Students) が組織したこのデモには、イングランドだけでなくスコットランドからも大学単位で学生連合が参加し、総勢5万人という、学生のデモとしては近年で最大の規模となったとのことです。しかし一方で……。 続きを読む
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Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Sit in organisers say they have 50 so far and gathering more from Millbank Tower.

2010-11-11 03:44:42
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Sit in at Parliament Sq small and peaceful. A few tents pitched on the grass.

2010-11-11 04:19:22
Harriet Tolputt @HarrietTolputt

Hardcore protesters still being held in inner cordon.

2010-11-11 03:57:41
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Police say they were taken by surprise by the events at the #demo2010 Are you surprised they were surprised tell us: http://bit.ly/an6cRw

2010-11-11 04:06:07
Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak

Police confirm 32 arrests in connection with student protests in London. Suspected offences include criminal damange and trespass.

2010-11-11 04:07:41
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Students tell #c4news that Nick Clegg has let them down

2010-11-11 04:08:02
alex thomson @alextomo

Kettled protesters being videod and interviewed as they leave

2010-11-11 04:11:37
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole

So PM calls the DPM from China... "Everything going ok?" Errrr

2010-11-11 04:40:49
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

.@alextomo says police he spoke to think there will be a lot more protests like #demo2010

2010-11-11 04:32:30
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

NUS President Aaron Porter: "I utterly condemn the despicable antics of the few today" #c4news

2010-11-11 04:33:14
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

Some brilliant debate on the #demo2010 - on our liveblog poll, people saying it won't harm the campaign against higher fees #c4news

2010-11-11 04:43:50
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

32 people have now been arrested after today's #demo2010 #c4news

2010-11-11 04:50:50
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

#c4news Not many other major issues students face apart from cuts, one tells Alex Thomson

2010-11-11 04:53:56
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

#c4news liveblog poll result: Most think that today's #demo2010 won't affect the campaign against higher fees. Thanks for voting!

2010-11-11 04:55:35
alex thomson @alextomo

Still questioning and filming protesters and searching offices here

2010-11-11 05:08:09
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