

この1月、並外れた大雪に見舞われたUK。Twitterユーザーのポールさんは直接の知り合いに、「空港が閉鎖されるんだよ」という愚痴を、怒りに任せて下手なジョークに仕立て、[取り消し→]相手に@でmentionして[←取り消し]送信した。(※これをまとめたときに見ていた情報が間違っていたことが判明したので修正。13日夜) そのジョークが「物騒な予告」と解釈されたからたまらない。ポールさんは逮捕・起訴されてしまった。誰もがこんなことで有罪にはならないだろうと思っていたかもしれないが、なぜか逮捕時とは違う法律を根拠に起訴されて迎えた一審はまさかの有罪。ポールさんは控訴し、その二審の判決が11月11日に出たのだが……。 続きを読む
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Ben Goldacre @bengoldacre

so @GarethFCompton is plainly a vile cock, but do we defnitly want police doing this? just wondering RT @DrEvanHarris: http://bbc.in/bubGQO

2010-11-12 00:11:23
dag @d_a_t_green

...and waiting... This is only case left today in entire court building. #TwitterJokeTrial

2010-11-12 00:20:21
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial. We are still waiting. The judge is discussing with two magistrates. The longer the more hopeful for PC?

2010-11-12 00:20:58
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial BBC Look North has gone the smallest room in the courthouse which is..

2010-11-12 00:23:02

THE trial is successfully reinforcing my belief that the legal system in this country needs a bomb under it.

2010-11-12 00:23:59
Joke Trial Fund @TwJokeTrialFund

#twitterjoketrial is top trend, despite there being no news. Shows the volume of support for Paul against this ludicrous trial.

2010-11-12 00:24:42
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial ..legendarily supposed to trigger action. Oh no, he's back and we are still sat here

2010-11-12 00:24:52
Joke Trial Fund @TwJokeTrialFund

@aljharrison David & Paul have both said high court and European court are next stages. Costs will be big,donations will be needed.

2010-11-12 00:26:33
Sarah @sarahartphoto

I am having a blow out tonight, vodka wise. It's needed! #twitterjoketrial (still waiting)

2010-11-12 00:31:27
dag @d_a_t_green

Reading out some great supportive #TwitterJokeTrial tweets to keep Paul's spirits up...

2010-11-12 00:33:37
dag @d_a_t_green

...and waiting... Getting dark outside. #TwitterJokeTrial

2010-11-12 00:43:26
Joke Trial Fund @TwJokeTrialFund

@DrEvanHarris All articles about #twitterjoketrial are compiled here tumblr.com/xsqa142m2

2010-11-12 00:45:43
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#Twitterjoketrial The wait goes on. Chanbers' solicitor ponders prospect of another adjournment The last one was..

2010-11-12 00:49:16
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial ..in September. So we could all be back to enjoy Donny's Christmas lights. Leeds btw claims..

2010-11-12 00:51:24
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial ..that its Christmas lights can be seen from the Moon but I doubt this

2010-11-12 00:52:47
Adam Banks @adambanksdotcom

In finding Paul's tweet was menacing, the judge has already missed the opportunity to get this right #TwitterJokeTrial

2010-11-12 00:58:52

North Korea. Useless, useless CUNTS.

2010-11-12 01:05:56
gone from this place @threedaymonk

OK. Fuck the system. The system is George Osborne and Nadine Dorries and being arrested for telling a joke. #TwitterJokeTrial

2010-11-12 01:06:54
martin wainwright @mswainwright

#twitterjoketrial. Appeal has failed on all counts. Court ruled message 'obiously menacing'

2010-11-12 01:07:12
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