
「初音ミク、あのSF作家ウィリアム・ギブスンに捕捉された!…のがクリプトン伊藤社長に捕捉されるまで」 http://togetter.com/li/70066 の続きのようなもの。世界各国のボカロ信徒(こう書くとアバル信徒のようだ)が寄ってたかってギブスンを折伏せんとす。こんだけmentionが殺到すりゃあ、そりゃあ認識改めるよね……。あとで適当にデコるので気合いで読めれ。
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William Gibson @GreatDismal

Currently I gather there is a cultural phenomenon occurring within the original commercial Miku concept.

2010-11-20 15:00:09
近田火日輝(fireworks.vc) @hi6ikic

I understand. Thank you. QT @GreatDismal: I wasn't being sarcastic (✂)

2010-11-20 15:02:23
Aaron Stewart-Ahn @somebadideas

@GreatDismal it's just the idoru concept permutating. Ever hear of videogame idolmaster which let's you raise an idoru?

2010-11-20 15:03:09
William Gibson @GreatDismal

Er, "broad", not "bead". In any case, Miku seems controversial. Opinions seem to be partisan.

2010-11-20 15:03:15
fredrin @fredrin

@GreatDismal don't forget that there is more to it than just Miku, be sure to read up on some of the UTAUloids, like @scottei_bot

2010-11-20 15:03:41
Aaron Stewart-Ahn @somebadideas

@GreatDismal hakune thing gets me: seeing a crowd so worked up for it. But musician pals always tell me how different Japanese audiences are

2010-11-20 15:04:09
William Gibson @GreatDismal

My interest in these things amounts to nothing more than a kind of amateur anthropology.

2010-11-20 15:05:26
Aaron Stewart-Ahn @somebadideas

@GreatDismal I think a lot of earnest pop is about desiring the unattainable. Japan on fast fwd, pursuing love for the engineered & unreal

2010-11-20 15:06:46
Jeremy Mone @jarethgk

@GreatDismal as anything can be controversial, but that makes it great story stuff. Still it's a interest step in cultural impact via tech

2010-11-20 15:07:52
Aaron Stewart-Ahn @somebadideas

@GreatDismal I do think it's pretty funny her voice is the singing equivalent of chess' Deep Blue. Octaves no human range can match!

2010-11-20 15:10:02
William Gibson @GreatDismal

RT @ealvarezgibson @GreatDismal Why controversial? [Mostly strongly pro or con opinions. Pro mostly from Japan]

2010-11-20 15:10:34
Karmic Mishap (partially obscured genius) @Karmic_Mishap

@GreatDismal I'll add a 'pro' Miku opinion from the US to your stats. I'd love to see 'her' 'live'!

2010-11-20 15:11:34
eag, as i live and breathe @bucherdiebin

@GreatDismal Ah. Thought you meant generally controversial in Japan. Guessing the freak-out is coming from the West?

2010-11-20 15:12:08
Ronald Jeffrey Grace @rjgrace

@GreatDismal It seems to me that the Miku fan base is broader than the pillow... lovers?

2010-11-20 15:12:10
TKBTK @virtualion

あーよーやっとわかった・・・抱き枕のことか RT @GreatDismal I wasn't being sarcastic when I asked about kawaii anime pillow marriage.

2010-11-20 15:13:07
William Gibson @GreatDismal

@somebadideas It seems to be something that some people care about strongly.

2010-11-20 15:13:46
William Gibson @GreatDismal

I hope Giant Robot will cover Miku, and explain the entire context to me. Right up their alley.

2010-11-20 15:15:23
honoka @MozikaM

「初音ミクと、抱き枕と結婚してた奴ってなんかそういう関係があったりするの?」www RT @GreatDismal: Is there a subcultural relationship between Miku and the guys who marry pillows?

2010-11-20 15:17:26
Gohsuke Takama @gohsuket

おっと。ウィリアムギブソンはまだ気にかけてるぞw RT @GreatDismal: I hope Giant Robot will cover Miku, and explain the entire context to me. Right up their alley.

2010-11-20 15:18:35
ask9@Next⛸:N杯💛💙M4P3💉x7 @ask9

@GreatDismal: There are some issues in Japan too, mostly copyright control "around" Miku related creations, though Miku is quite open.

2010-11-20 15:24:15
Hieronymus @jwoody

@GreatDismal I think Japan has had virtual idols long before Miku. E.g, Lynn Minmay

2010-11-20 15:36:07

@GreatDismal GR is less wacky asia, more art and film now. Empire building, for better or worse.

2010-11-20 15:55:41
Rob @agitrob

Amused at how @GreatDismal is really getting into Hatsune Miku

2010-11-20 15:58:20
Adam Messinger @adammessinger

@GreatDismal Been reading your Hatsune Miku tweets w/ interest. Almost seems a primitive version of Rei Toei.

2010-11-20 16:04:13
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