
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@stephenfry In old Japanese saying, Ame futte ji katamaru (雨降って地固まる). When it rains, the ground gets firm.

2011-01-23 13:42:36
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@stephenfry We've been through rough times, but I hope it will have made us stronger.

2011-01-23 13:42:52
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@stephenfry We are living in the 21st century. Technologies have brought us unprecedented ...

2011-01-23 13:43:12
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@stephenfry ... opportunities to understand each other with deeper understandings and with dignities.

2011-01-23 13:43:29
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@stephenfry Thank you for reading, and hope to see you sometime somewhere on Earth. I buy you a pint of beer.

2011-01-23 13:43:44
Stephen Fry @stephenfry

@5thstar I'm coming to Japan the week after next as it happens, and I'll certainly let my regret known (if they let me in!) x

2011-01-23 13:43:46
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@stephenfry Thank you!, nice to hear that! You are most welcome to our country. Drop me a note! ;)

2011-01-23 13:49:32
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

Stephen Fryさんから文字通り速攻で返事が返ってきたなう。It's a small world!

2011-01-23 13:50:37
Fifth Star remembers Echofon & Tᴡitter ☀️🌟🔭 @5thstar

@guruguruuzumaki すごいすね。TLみたら起きてたので、速攻で下書きして書いて連投したんですが、連投の途中ですでに返事が返ってきたという。Twitterすごすぎ。

2011-01-23 13:56:14
Yuko Kato @YukoAndHerCats

@stephenfry I hope you have a cracking good time here in Japan! : )

2011-01-23 23:00:36
Yuko Kato @YukoAndHerCats

@Japanese_Puffin 初めまして。コメントありがとうございます。QIの内容については同意見です。日本の報道は、うーんそうですね、偏見というよりは、イギリスに対する無理解なんじゃないかと思いたいです。だったらいいのか、という話ではないですが。

2011-01-24 00:19:11
Yuko Kato @YukoAndHerCats

@Japanese_Puffin あ、ほんとだ。ありがとうございます! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00cqcrb これも削除されないといいですね。You can see the QI vid here

2011-01-24 12:22:30