資料も反響もすべてチェック! 京都で3倍広くなった #RubyKaigi 2016 まとめまとめ

at Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan Sep. 8th - 10th
まとめ ライブデモで熱血指導! Rubyのバインディング開発者になろう 2016 #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiA How to create bindings 2016 @ktou "This talk describes how to create Ruby bindings of a C library. I want to increase Ruby bindings developers. If you're interested in using C libraries from Ruby and/or using Ruby more cases, this talk will help you. This talk includes the following topics: * List of methods to create Ruby bindings of a C library. * Small.. 1770 pv 1 1 user
まとめ ゲームボーイエミュレータをRubyで書いてしまった人 #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiB Writing A Gameboy Emulator in Ruby @0xColby http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/0xColby.html "Released in 1989 the Gameboy was the first handheld console of the Gameboy series to be released by Nintendo. It featured games such as Pokemon Red & Blue, Tetris, Super Mario Land and went on to sell 64 million units worldwide. My talk will be discussing wha.. 7680 pv 45 5 users 7

11:30 - 12:10

まとめ 最も多くダウンロードされているgemはこれだ! "ビッグデータ" rubygems.org を探る #RubyKai.. Exploring Big Data with rubygems.org Download Data @the_thagomizer http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/the_thagomizer.html "Many people strive to be armchair data scientists. Google BigQuery provides an easy way for anyone with basic SQL knowledge to dig into large data sets and just explore. Using the rubygems.org download data we'll see how the Ruby.. 1357 pv 4 1 user
まとめ Rubyコミッターが語る いかにしてRuby上でDSLを動作させるか #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiB How DSL works on Ruby @hsbt http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/hsbt.html "Domain-Specific Language(DSL) is a useful tool for communication between programmers and businesses. One of the greatest present from Ruby to programmers is to allow them to develop DSL easily. Ruby has a variety of functionalities for DSL making. I started to maintain Rake las.. 2091 pv 4 3 users

13:30 - 14:10

まとめ Rubyパッチからプログラミングのエッセンスを学ぶということ #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiA Learn Programming Essence from Ruby patches @takkanm http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/takkanm.html "Various patches are sent to Ruby. Those patches contain various ideas on programming. In this session, I would like to discuss the knowledge underlying programming, such as the original algorithm and data structure patches of Ruby and some libraries." 3481 pv 12 11 users
まとめ "Don't be a lonely operator!" nilの性質を探る旅 #RubyKaigi #RubyK.. A Nil Device, a Lonely Operator, & a Voyage to the Void Star @ericqweinstein "This talk, framed as an illustrated story around Ruby 2.3's new "lonely operator" (`&.`) for safely handling `nil`, explores the nature of nothingness: what it is, how other programming languages think about it, and how we should treat it in our Ruby codebases (including why—and.. 1684 pv 3 1 user

14:20 - 15:00

まとめ "刷新計画"から"貢献する手段"まで Rubyリファレンスマニュアル運営の現在 #RubyKaigi #RubyKa.. Ruby Reference Manual 2016 Autumn @okkez http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/okkez.html "I report activities for Ruby Reference Manual since 2013. It has passed two years since the last report. I'll explain more information about how to contribute it. 2013年以降のRubyリファレンスマニュアルまわりの活動について報告します。前回の報告から丸2年以上空いているので、Rubyリファレンスマニュアルについて広く知ってもらい、どのようにすれば貢献できる.. 1336 pv 3 1 user
まとめ 基礎から徹底解説! Webサーバにおける並行処理アーキテクチャ #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiA Web Server Concurrency Architecture @wyhaines http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/wyhaines.html "Ruby has many different web server options, covering a gamut of possible concurrency architectures. We will look at what those concurrency options are, and at what their respective theoretical costs and benefits are. We will then look at a reference ruby w.. 1832 pv 2 8 users 1

15:30 - 16:10

まとめ 高性能並列実行を目指して Rakeベースのワークフローエンジン Pwrake 紹介 #RubyKaigi #Ruby.. Pwrake: Distributed Workflow Engine based on Rake @masa16tanaka http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/masa16tanaka.html "Pwrake aims at the high-performance parallel execution of data-intensive scientific workflows using multi-node clusters with >~10,000 cores. In the design of Pwrake, I made use of existing powerful tools. First, Pwrake is implemented .. 2296 pv 4 1 user
まとめ mrubyで作るワンバイナリなCLIプラットフォーム mruby-CLI 紹介 #RubyKaigi #RubyKa.. Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby @drbrain http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/drbrain.html "mruby and mruby-cli makes it possible to ship single binary command-line tools that can be used without setup effort. How can we make these easy to write too? Existing libraries for making command-line tools are built for experienced rubyists.. 1504 pv 2 1 user

16:20 - 17:00

まとめ Rubyでデータ可視化("Data Analysis in RUby") DARU 紹介 #RubyKaigi #R.. Data Analysis in RUby with daru @v0dro http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/v0dro.html "Easy and fast analysis of data is an uphill task for any Rubyist today. Ruby has been mostly restricted to web development and scripting, until now. In this talk we will have a look at daru, a gem from the Ruby Science Foundation specifically developed for simplifyi.. 2278 pv 3 1 user
まとめ Fluentd v0.14 におけるプラグイン互換性対応 『現代の"リアル"黒魔術師』登場 #RubyKaigi #.. Modern Black Mages Fighting in the Real World @tagomoris http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/tagomoris.html "Fluentd v0.14, which has drastically updated Plugin APIs, also has a layer to provide compatibility for old-fashioned plugins to support them and huge amount of existing configuration files in user environments. It was far from easy, and devel.. 5278 pv 9 2 users 3

17:10 - 17:50

まとめ SciPyインスパイアのSciRuby紹介 機械学習の今とこれから #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiA SciRuby Machine Learning Current Status and Future @mrkn http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/mrkn.html "How do we do machine-learning things by using Ruby? In this talk, I will show you the current status of SciRuby by comparing it with other language stacks such as the SciPy stack on Python." 3701 pv 12 1
まとめ RedHatの中の人が語る JRuby 9000 のメジャーリリースからの1年、そして今後 #RubyKaigi #.. JRuby 9000 Last Year, Today, and Tomorrow @tom_enebo http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/tom_enebo.html "JRuby 9000 was released over a year ago after a lengthy set of pre-releases. Our most significant major release in nearly 10 years. New runtime. Native IO subsystem. Complete port of C Ruby's transcoding facilities. How did things go? Is the new ru.. 1007 pv 2

3日目(2016/9/10 土曜)

まとめ 今年の最優秀パッチは? Ruby3.0の互換性は? GitHubへの移行予定は? コミッターが答えるRubyの現在と.. Ruby Committers vs the World http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/cruby_committers.html "TBA" 3148 pv 4 1 user

10:30 - 11:10

まとめ 計測作業時の注意点も IBMエンジニアが語るJRuby徹底ベンチマーク #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiA Ruby3x3: How are we going to measure 3x? @MattStudies http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/MattStudies.html "To hit Ruby3x3, we must first figure out **what** we're going to measure, **how** we're going to measure it, in order to get what we actually want. I'll cover some standard definitions of benchmarking in dynamic languages, as well as the tradeoff.. 1792 pv 4 1 user 1
まとめ 状態管理できるRuby製HTTPクライアントライブラリ Faraday 紹介 #RubyKaigi #RubyKai.. Web Clients for Ruby and What they should be in the future @tkawa http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/tkawa.html "REST and Hypermedia Web APIs such as Amazon Web Services are getting more common every day. Of course it is also common to integrate those APIs into Ruby app. There are so many HTTP clients we use for integration written in Ruby but all of.. 2120 pv 4