資料も反響もすべてチェック! 京都で3倍広くなった #RubyKaigi 2016 まとめまとめ

at Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan Sep. 8th - 10th

11:20 - 12:00

まとめ mrubyでウォシュレット制御? UMLモデリングからライブデモまで徹底解説 #RubyKaigi #RubyKai.. High Tech Seat in mruby @yuri_at_earth http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/yuri_at_earth.html "How do you write software for controlling home appliance such as High Tech Seat (a.k.a. Washlet) ? When you write bad code, water may flood or may not be flushed... Even after you write correct code, you might want to add some nice features like open and c.. 1538 pv 6
まとめ パーサを駆使して未使用コードをガンガン削除! 削除駆動開発(DDD)徹底入門 #RubyKaigi #RubyKai.. Deletion Driven Development: Code to delete code! @chrisarcand http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/chrisarcand.html "Good news! Ruby is a successful and mature programming language with a wealth of libraries and legacy applications that have been contributed to for many years. The bad news: Those projects might contain a large amount of useless, unuse.. 7658 pv 27 40 users

13:30 - 14:10

まとめ ソートの音を聴け! メインホールがライブ会場に Rubyでシンセサイザーデモ #RubyKaigi #RubyKai.. It's More Fun to Compute @juliancheal http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/juliancheal.html "Come with us now on a journey through time and space. As we explore the world of analog/digital synthesis. From computer generated music to physical synthesisers and everything in between. So you want to write music with code, but don’t know the difference betw.. 3960 pv 4 2 users
まとめ H2O開発者奥一穂さんによる HTTP/2 の対応状況とRackでの利用解説 #RubyKaigi #RubyKai.. Recent Advances in HTTP and Controlling them using ruby @kazuho http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/kazuho.html "Configuration of a web server is becoming more and more complex, as technologies such as OAuth, Client Hints, HTTP/2 push become standardized. This talk introduces the recent advances in HTTP and related technology, as well as explaining ho.. 3172 pv 7 2 users

14:20 - 15:00

まとめ Rubyはなぜ遅いのか Rubyフルコミッター卜部さんが語る 400倍速くなる最適化アプローチ #RubyKaigi.. Optimizing Ruby @shyouhei http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/shyouhei.html "I made ruby 10x faster. Let me show you how." 17057 pv 32 66 users 2
まとめ Lady Gagaから学ぶConcurrencyとParallelism!? Node.js, JVM, Erlan.. Ruby Concurrency compared @anildigital http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/anildigital.html "Ruby is used everywhere now. In this talk we will compare Ruby concurrency with Node.js, JVM, Erlang and others. Ruby supports concurrency but with GIL, it can't run threads parallely. We will explore options available that makes this problem irrelevant. Node... 1324 pv 1

15:30 - 16:10

まとめ (m)ruby でシステムコールをハイジャックする #RubyKaigi #RubyKaigiA Hijacking syscalls with (m)ruby @franckverrot http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/franckverrot.html "mruby's unique packaging strategy gives developers the possibility to inject Ruby code in any program, written in any language. In this talk we'll discover how a mruby application can be distributed, how one could replace OS system calls with custom Ru.. 2079 pv 5
まとめ iOS Game『A Dark Room』開発者が語る ゲーム開発 + Ruby でハッピーになろう? #RubyK.. Game Development + Ruby = Happiness @amirrajan http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/amirrajan.html "Amir Rajan (creator of the #1 iOS Game: A Dark Room), will speak about his journey to becoming a game developer using Ruby. He'll explore the source code for his games, showing how elegance in code becomes elegance on screen." 4120 pv 2 2 users

16:20 - 17:20

まとめ ついていけない聴衆続出 "CRubyにどう貢献するか" #RubyKaigi 2016 Keynote Dive into CRuby @nalsh http://rubykaigi.org/2016/presentations/nalsh.html "People sometimes want to involve CRuby development, but won't. I guess it's because they couldn't embody the motivation and don't know how to work about it. I explain how to find an entry point, write code, make matz merge it." 11262 pv 15 9 users