2011 Books in Browsers Conference 2日目 (10/28) in S.F. #bib11

Internet ArhciveとO'Reilly Media共催のワークショップ"Books in Browsers" (2011/10/26-28 in San Francisco, CA) 2日目である10/28(金)のツィートをまとめました。 Books in Browsers http://bib.archive.org/  日本時間で午前2時以前のtweetはハッシュタグをキーに遡れなくなっておりましたので、盛んに発言してそうな人の発言を私が任意に拾って埋めてあります。0-2時のtweetは穴が多いと思いますのでご注意ください。 続きを読む
LJ's infoDOCKET @infodocket

Updated Sat. Morning: Presentations From Books in Browsers 2011 http://t.co/p129faeW #bib11 #digital #books #ebooks

2011-10-29 20:46:02

08:30-09:00. Re-engage

Networked books and networked reading. Kevin Kelly (Wired).

Don Linn @DonLinn

#bib11 Will kick off shortly with Kevin Kelly from WIRED. Follow the hashtag or watch the livestream at bit.ly/siNNyy

2011-10-29 00:29:21
Don Linn @DonLinn

Serendipitous cab ride convo w/Javier Celaya of Dos Doce last evening about the state of publishing in Spain. Huge opportunities. #bib11

2011-10-29 00:32:13
Riordan.csv @riordan

We're back for Day 2 of Books in Browsers - live from the Internet Archive. Check out the livestream. Kevin Kelly just started #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:37:24
NYPL Labs @nypl_labs

We're back for Day 2 of Books in Browsers - live from the Internet Archive. Check out the livestream. Kevin Kelly just started #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:37:24
Waldo is on Mastodon @waldojaquith

Starting day 2 (the last day) of #BiB11. Kevin Kelly is kicking things off.

2011-10-29 00:39:47
Tools of Change @toc

Join us for DAY 2! live-streaming the Books in Browsers conf today http://t.co/xZ9SL1vB - #BiB11 #TOCCON

2011-10-29 00:39:31
NYPL Labs @nypl_labs

Kevin Kelly: Networked books have 5 dimensions. Social reading are just one of those dimensions. There's also social writing #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:40:38
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

Join us for DAY 2! live-streaming the Books in Browsers conf today http://t.co/1P5XGXa2 - #BiB11 #TOCCON

2011-10-29 00:39:32
Kat Meyer @KatMeyer

@Joe_Wallace@Joe_Wallace apologies - it's not my bday. i screwed up my settings on skype. which is sort of hilarious. it's my other birthday

2011-10-29 00:41:21
Laurel Ruma @laurelruma

Interested in the future of the book? Check out the livestream of Books in Browsers conf http://t.co/iAvR2hsW #BiB11 #TOCCON

2011-10-29 00:41:16
Christopher Butler 🦠 @chrbutler

Kevin Kelly: We are now "people of the screen." #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:41:39
Don Linn @DonLinn

Kelly: The networked book isn't just social reading...it's social writing as well. #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:42:04
Liz Castro @lizcastro

"The ultimate destiny of a wikipedia page is to become solidly blue (hyperlinked)". #bib11

2011-10-29 00:44:13
Todd Carpenter tac_NISO at social.niso.org @TAC_NISO

Kelly: ultimate destiny of any wikipedia article is every word is a hyperlink. => Me, uggh not everything is a ref to another thing #bib11

2011-10-29 00:44:35
Christopher Butler 🦠 @chrbutler

Kevin Kelly: "The final destination of any Wikipedia entry is all blue." (as in, all linked/networked) #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:45:36
NYPL Labs @nypl_labs

Kevin Kelly: Networked books isn't just the networking of one book, but the whole corpus. Unique turns of phrase identify novel ideas #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:47:11
Todd Carpenter tac_NISO at social.niso.org @TAC_NISO

Counting is the lowest level statistical analysis. Glad Kelly is discussing some of more powerful analysis strategies #bib11

2011-10-29 00:46:33
Christopher Butler 🦠 @chrbutler

Love this! Kevin Kelly on hivemind: "a term I might have coined" #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:47:31
Justo Hidalgo @justohidalgo

Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIP) in wikipedia (makes sense in the context of the talk, doesn't it? :) ) http://t.co/ZXHjJ4LP #bib11

2011-10-29 00:48:20
Christopher Butler 🦠 @chrbutler

Kevin Kelly: "Even spam email is better than no email...because some people find it useful." Also, Spam books = "spooks" #BiB11

2011-10-29 00:49:32
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