Radioactivity info of current situation in Japan and truth about GeigerCounter. (※英文) 放射能情報とガイガーカウンターのホント に参加しました

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hiroki @hirokiharoki

Or, I'm OK with some Bq food because I also eat no Bq foods , too. Anyway, fish check must be increased.

2012-01-15 15:57:52
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Q: Many incorrect data on twitter. How to define it? A: Check as many sauce possible. You also need to 'train your check power.'

2012-01-15 16:00:16
hiroki @hirokiharoki

You can also check his/her profile.What he said before. Think what kind of guy he is. That's important. You can check the news info, later.

2012-01-15 16:02:26
hiroki @hirokiharoki

1week or later, they already had checked if it was true or false data.Then your literacy increases.You can correct error with new tweet .

2012-01-15 16:05:33
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Twetter'sgood.Someone can also follow and report error news,eachother. JapaneseNewsMedia afraid mistake. Only 100%sure, later, they report.

2012-01-15 16:08:36
hiroki @hirokiharoki

That caused more radiation exposure. We can and we should use media in new way. Report by 60,70 % sure. We can chech mistake later.

2012-01-15 16:11:09
hiroki @hirokiharoki

We import many foods and foods for chcken, pig, and so on. I think 40Bq is cleared easily in many cases.

2012-01-15 16:13:51
hiroki @hirokiharoki

How about kid's Literacy? Fukushima JrHigh kids. TVnews didn't tell what they should in march. They checked net, info,decided by themselves.

2012-01-15 16:16:26
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Checking Mihoko'sTweet is enough? No, I even,sometimes think strange data for some days. I can't say 'only this should do' thing .

2012-01-15 16:19:18
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Buying foods is stressful. What if this veggy include radioactivity? A: Situation is changing frm march. I don't care much other than fish,

2012-01-15 16:21:59
hiroki @hirokiharoki

And mashroom. They still might include cesium some amount or more.

2012-01-15 16:23:07
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Mental health is also important. And don't add up food radioactive news. Most foods don't contain cesiumany more.

2012-01-15 16:26:02
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Q:Why doctors don't tweet more direct,easy things for us? A:We all don't know for sure.We all should think and study, including questioner.

2012-01-15 16:29:30
hiroki @hirokiharoki

We can't expect 'perfect' way for other people including government. We should do self defence, and more. It's difficult.

2012-01-15 16:31:59
hiroki @hirokiharoki

My old father is giving up. He just doesn't want to hear radioactive related info. What we should do? What he should do? Truth for everyone?

2012-01-15 16:34:24
hiroki @hirokiharoki

What is the acceptable safe truth for each one with this radioactive disaster in Japan? Many say many different dangerous safe level.

2012-01-15 16:36:29
hiroki @hirokiharoki

I'm not specialist,so I only calculate exposure value all into to sivert. And I believe only that. I don't listen anymore what doctors said.

2012-01-15 16:39:27
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Discussing about if radioactivity out from the plant or,just wind blow radioactive soil,or many wrecage Is radioactively dangerous or not.

2012-01-15 16:43:10
hiroki @hirokiharoki

Doing no conclusion discussion is important in this nuclear trouble in Japan. Seminor ends here.

2012-01-15 16:45:05
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