
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

if U've done a "successful" pilot but U don't know this is indicative of what U could expect from every other project in the organization...

2012-02-24 07:26:54
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian this is actually the way we pick pilot projects. must take a holistic approach.

2012-02-24 07:30:15
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian and true, not sure for 100% of an organization but should definitely have a sense for much of the organization

2012-02-24 07:30:36
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian too many pilots take the easy start without learning about the true impediments present.

2012-02-24 07:31:25
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway i don't think you can predict the outcome of every other project (or even just one) on basis of another pilot project.

2012-02-24 07:33:36
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway i agree a pilot it might give you a sense of what might become impediments, 'feel' the organisation

2012-02-24 07:35:12
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian i believe you should be able to learn from your pilot how other projects will work. if you can't, why are you doing it?

2012-02-24 07:55:53
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian i know that we're in the minority here in the agile world. we look @ the transition to agile in a holistic, enterprise wide manner

2012-02-24 07:56:43
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian i think this view is necessary for finding sustainable solutions & avoid the common plateauing of agile success

2012-02-24 07:57:59
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway so do i, I often wonder about the usefulness of pilot projects.

2012-02-24 07:58:19
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian well, they should test the challenges you see in the holistic view.

2012-02-24 08:01:37
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway you just start somewhere (well chosen) and continue using every insight you get along the way. It's a constant 'pilot'.

2012-02-24 08:03:18
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian what does well chosen mean. if it's by looking at the team level i would not agree.

2012-02-24 08:06:53
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway its not, if i have any say in it that is

2012-02-24 08:07:44
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian if someone says "let's start our agile transition with scrum" i can guarantee you it's been chosen at the team level.

2012-02-24 08:07:46
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian this is possibly true for kanban implementations as well, but many doing kanban will map the entire value stream.

2012-02-24 08:08:01
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway yes i think anyone can assure that much, scrum isn't a holistic thing

2012-02-24 08:08:47
Al Shalloway. Biz Agility &Value Stream Management @alshalloway

@llillian if entire value stream is not mapped prior to selecting a pilot & the impacts of products on each other hasn't been looked at...

2012-02-24 08:08:49
Lilian Nijboer @llillian

@alshalloway the entire? i seldom see that. the entire IT value stream maybe, if lucky.

2012-02-24 08:09:29