38年目の真実~Bloody Sunday事件真相究明委員会報告書 2) 公表

北アイルランド紛争のさなか、1972年1月30日にデリーで発生した英軍パラシュート連隊(当時もはやパラシュート降下はしていなかった)による非武装のデモ隊への発砲事件、いわゆる「ブラッディ・サンデー事件」の真相究明委員会の最終報告書の内容が、2010年6月15日午後3時半(現地時間)、ロンドンの国会議事堂での首相のステートメントによって明らかにされました。 そのときのtweetsのまとめです。 色分けは次の通り: 続きを読む
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alex thomson @alextomo

Back down in Bogside waiting for big march to form up. it is hot!!

2010-06-15 22:08:28
nuzhound @nuzhound

Families of victims can heal the wounds of Bloody Sunday :: The Herald -- Colette Douglas Home: http://bit.ly/brE5Hx #Ireland #Ulster

2010-06-15 22:27:49
nuzhound @nuzhound

Pitiless conflict ousted peaceful protest after Bloody Sunday :: The Irish Times -- Dick Grogan: http://bit.ly/9H37uw #Ireland #Ulster

2010-06-15 22:27:51

Photos of families awaiting Bloody Sunday report http://bit.ly/akW1Gt

2010-06-15 22:31:21
Stephen Blacker @StevBlacker

Th families have been reading the Saville report for a while now, it must be significant that none have walked out yet! #BloodySunday

2010-06-15 22:31:30
nuzhound @nuzhound

Correction: RTE's coverage of #SavilleReport starts at 10:20 EDT (15:20 Lon/Dub/Belf). http://bit.ly/7kf2Sz #Saville #BloodySunday

2010-06-15 22:36:00
Mike McKenna #FBPE @FbpeMike

38 years of lies since Bloody Sunday!! Will the truth be really told? #BloodySunday

2010-06-15 22:37:23
UTV @utv

Less than one hour to go before #bloodysunday report publication. Video of the day’s events so far: http://bit.ly/cxz9Nz

2010-06-15 22:37:55
Brandon Hamber @BrandonHamber

Helicopters all over Derry, a bit like when I first came here in 1996 #bloodysunday

2010-06-15 22:39:22
Belfast Telegraph @BelTel

Bloody Sunday families receive Saville report http://bit.ly/9qmZZa

2010-06-15 22:41:37
Mr J @belfastjj

#BloodySunday #derry #Saville What about an Inquiry into the Brighton bombing 5 killed an attempt to kill the UK cabinet & Prime Minister

2010-06-15 22:41:54
boa nachrichten @boa_nachrichten

Northern Ireland: Day of truth arrives for Bloody Sunday survivors http://tinyurl.com/3yubfvp #NIreland #BloodySunday

2010-06-15 22:43:36
Mike McKenna #FBPE @FbpeMike

Wonder how the soldiers involved are feeling today & whether any will ever have the courage to admit their actions #BloodySunday

2010-06-15 22:47:30

Ivan cooper gets round of applause as he arrives at guildhall sq, #derry #saville #bloodysunday

2010-06-15 22:54:02
Mike McKenna #FBPE @FbpeMike

As 14 year old on holiday in NI I was on the 1st civil rights march in 1968 http://tinyurl.com/3xwdm95 Many sad memories :-( #bloodysunday

2010-06-15 22:54:15
newsdaily.com @newsdailycom

Bloody Sunday report revives N. Ireland's dark past (Reuters) http://bit.ly/9BlGVO

2010-06-15 22:56:52
Mr J @belfastjj

#BloodySunday #derry #Saville @Hmmckenna i want all the truth brought out - but sure Martin couldn't tell the truth at the enquiry !!

2010-06-15 22:57:11
Mike McKenna #FBPE @FbpeMike

@belfastjj You are trying to offset the carnage of #BloodySunday by association with other events - the truth will out!

2010-06-15 23:02:22
Mr J @belfastjj

#BloodySunday #derry #Saville What about an Inquiry into the Murder Harold Henry contractor for the Army shot 4 times in the head by the IRA

2010-06-15 23:05:03
Mr J @belfastjj

#BloodySunday #derry #Saville What about an Inquiry into the Murder of Chief Justice Gibson & wife when the IRA detonated a roadside bomb

2010-06-15 23:07:44
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