タバコは吸うな!ミスター・スポックの最期の言葉 長寿と繁栄を!

スター・トレックのミスター・スポック役で知られた俳優のLeonard Nimoy (レナード・ニモイ) 氏が、2015/2/27 にタバコ病のCOPDにてお亡くなりになられました。ツイッターで、ご自身の経験から、タバコを止めるように何度もツイートしています。それをまとめてみました。

ツイッターで2014/1/30にタバコによるCOPD (慢性閉塞性肺疾患)であることを告白しました。

Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

I quit smoking 30 yrs ago. Not soon enough. I have COPD. Grandpa says, quit now!! LLAP

2014-01-30 11:44:52


Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Smokers, please understand. If you quit after you're diagnosed with lung damage it's too late. Grandpa says learn my lesson. Quit now. LLAP.

2014-02-07 02:42:19
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

I'm doing OK. Just can't walk distances. Love my life,family, friends and followers. LLAP

2014-02-07 02:49:17
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Quitting smoking ? Great!! Drink lots of water to wash nicotine out of your system. LLAP

2014-02-13 02:22:47
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

I tried to "smoke a little". Failed. I finally learned I cannot smoke at all. Quitting isn't easy. I went thru a program. Now FREE. LLAP

2014-02-13 03:28:00
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

When I was addicted to cigarettes I ignored good medical advice. Addicts have lying ears. LLAP

2014-03-07 05:54:01
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Giving up our beautiful home and boat at Lake Tahoe. Breathing at 6000 ft. too difficult for a former smoker. LLAP

2014-03-12 01:16:44
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

I went thru a program to quit cigs. Had to do it twice because I thought I could smoke a little after first time. Totally quit in 1984 LLAP

2014-03-07 06:10:11
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Blessings to you who are quitting smoking. Nicotine doesn't make things better. LLAP

2014-03-12 03:46:21
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Smoke free days are adding up for many !! Congratulations , reward yourself. LLAP

2014-03-21 09:01:59
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Cigarettes don't make anything better. Nicotine taken in any form is addictive. Look into mindful meditation instead. LLAP

2014-04-16 01:29:06
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Breaking the smoking habit is tough. Worth the struggle. Save the lungs. Living with COPD is no joke. LLAP

2014-04-27 02:33:46
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

My favorite. "Quitters" who quit smoking. Definitely makes life better . LLAP

2014-06-01 23:37:30
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Congratulations to quitters. Stay strong. Nicotine is nasty stuff . Smoking doesn't make anything better. LLAP

2014-06-02 00:09:50
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Nicotine is the hook. Smoke is the dagger. LLAP

2014-06-02 23:13:04
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

I thought I could smoke "a little". I failed . I quit totally over 30 years ago. Wish I had never started. Stay strong. LLAP

2014-06-11 07:11:46
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Some say E-cigs help to quit smoking. Maybe. But they give nicotine which is highly addictive. Be warned. LLAP

2014-07-08 02:56:07
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

How good it feels to know some folks are quitting smoking because of tweets here !! Blessings and strength to you all. LLAP

2014-07-29 00:57:32
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

For those who quit smoking we will be giving away #Iquit Smoking pins. Watch shopllap.com for notice. LLAP

2014-08-08 02:35:50
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

If you never smoked, you 're a winner. Congratulations!! LLAP

2014-08-08 03:19:33
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

If you're not smoking, congratulations. If you are, this is a good time to quit. LLAP

2014-09-14 00:50:16
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Stopping smoking? I 'm so proud of the quitters . LLAP

2014-10-04 07:28:41
Leonard Nimoy @TheRealNimoy

Did you notice I snuck in an "I quit smoking" button in Star Trek IV?

2014-10-19 02:43:57