スタートレックBEYOND 2016/07/13 メディア関係者向け試写感想ツイートまとめ

「スタートレックBEYOND」公開に先駆けて、2016年7月13日夜(現地時間)ロサンゼルスにてマスコミ関係者向けの試写が行われました。当初、参加者は翌週(7月20日)までは感想ツイート禁止と通知されていたのが、当日になって制限が解除されたとのことで、試写後に流された感想ツイートをまとめました(順不同)。内容的に当然ながら作品のネタバレ含みますのでご注意。完全に自分用まとめなのでこれ以上更新しないと思います。 追記:なお、この時点ではまだ各メディアは「ネタバレを含む本格的なレビューは公開禁止」扱いだったのが、その後、「現地時間の7月15日正午から公開OK」に変更になったので、すでに各所からレビュー記事が出回っております。わー、まとめた意味NEEEEEーーー
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Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

Yes! This will be happening in about two hours. #BeyondReaction twitter.com/trekfan4387/st…

2016-07-14 11:02:40
Bill @TrekFan4387

@EnterpriseExtra can we expect any comment from you post screening tonight? A highly general, non-spoiler reaction?

2016-07-14 04:46:49
Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

#StarTrekBeyond is epic & balanced. Kinetic & thoughtful. It connects Trek in ways I could only dream. An extremely worthy 50-year mic drop!

2016-07-14 14:04:50
Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

Here come a few more #StarTrekBeyond thoughts. Spoiler free,of course! I'm watching "Patterns of Force" as I tweet. A clue? Not sure. Is it?

2016-07-14 15:36:24
Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

.@simonpegg's script is packed w/TOS & Trek tributes & references. He introduced the film tonight remembering Anton. pic.twitter.com/WkRQ0n2qxK

2016-07-14 15:44:48
Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

Worried your expectations for Jaylah are too high? Nope! They can't be high enough. A character w/purpose & emotional depth! #StarTrekBeyond

2016-07-14 15:48:53
Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

Those of you who ripped the 1st #StarTrekBeyond trailer will either have to admit you have Ktarian egg on your face or you hate fun things.

2016-07-14 16:16:39
Enterprise Extra @EnterpriseExtra

And this makes me very happy because I was a rare voice of reason trying to explain unknown context & Film Marketing 101. #IfIDoSaySoMyself

2016-07-14 16:17:05

Adam Drosin @adamdrosin

The cinematography in Beyond is tremendous. The first Trek shot in native HD digital since ENT S4. A few things... pic.twitter.com/1VolckaNg4

2016-07-14 15:18:05
Adam Drosin @adamdrosin

There's a kineticism in the way Lin and Windon compose shots and move the camera that feels so confident/effortless. pic.twitter.com/KifOlIVoHS

2016-07-14 15:29:27
Adam Drosin @adamdrosin

The sheen is just right- not plasticky, no aggressive faux-film grain. They're expanding on JJ & Mindel's palette. pic.twitter.com/pcF75ONwCs

2016-07-14 15:37:19

GeekFilter🖖🏳️‍🌈Drawn to Trek host• He/Him @GeekFilter

@1701News Nope - embargo until 7/20. Standard stuff. Saw a press screening this evening. We can share our reactions though. Loved it!

2016-07-14 17:18:24
GeekFilter🖖🏳️‍🌈Drawn to Trek host• He/Him @GeekFilter

@vancitynat I wrote the reaction for TrekMovie! So good! Honesty have to say I breathed a sigh of relief after :)

2016-07-14 17:25:40

Ashley V. Robinson @AshleyVRobinson

#Repost @jawiin with repostapp ・・・ The bridge crew reunites at #StarTrekBeyond screening!… instagram.com/p/BH1LFhajLpL/

2016-07-14 14:52:38
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