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ポケモンGOのついでに出会ったリアルな生物をポケモン図鑑の代わりに答えてくれるタグ Pokeblitz

Dr Anthony Caravaggi @thonoir

Yup, you have indeed caught a red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus)! #PokeBlitz twitter.com/AmsSumner/stat…

2016-07-19 16:48:59
Amanda Sumner @AmsSumner

Is this a red-shouldered hawk? Tail has white and black bands. Central Florida. #PokeBlitz pic.twitter.com/x0FE60UYWW

2016-07-19 09:31:22


Ask An Entomologist @BugQuestions

@DriftlessRoots That is a bee-fly (Bombyliidae). Mimic bees to trick predators. Larvae are parasites of bee nests, usually solitary bees

2016-07-18 09:06:49
