喋りすぎるオトコWilliam Kassouf「WSOPペナルティ事件」関係者の発言まとめ

今年7月、ワールド・シリーズ・オブ・ポーカー(WSOP)メインイベントに英国から参加した元弁護士ウィリアム・カスーフ(William Kassouf)。同卓のプレイヤーへの言動を主催者に咎められ1ラウンド退場のペナルティ処分を下された。対戦相手をブチキレさせる彼の弾丸トークを目の当たりにすれば無理もないと思われたが、実は相手の女性ステイシー・マトゥソン(Stacy Matuson)はWSOPディーラーアカデミーの共同運営者で、ペナルティの判定を下したトーナメントディレクターも皆関係者だった...当時も波紋を呼んだこの事件がTV公開されたことで再燃、ポーカー界全体を巻き込んだ議論に発展している。
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Allen Kessler @AllenKessler

@RealKidPoker the time before clock is called is always edited. This hand had gone on for close to 10 minutes according to various reports.

2016-09-21 14:33:01
Simbo* @Simbo1972

@WilliamKassouf Greatest thing I've ever seen on a poker table.. all the best for the rest of the tournament Will 😉 #9HighLikeABoss

2016-09-21 18:48:41
Gary Fisher @Crypto_Porsche

@WilliamKassouf rightly being judged as in the right on this issue by most people #freekassouf twitter.com/RealKidPoker/s…

2016-09-21 19:26:16
Daniel Negreanu @RealKidPoker

Just saw the penalty against Will Kassouf. Absolutely horrified by the unjust ruling of a one round penalty. So many things wrong with it.

2016-09-21 14:20:29
Stacy Matuson @StacyAcey

@AllenKessler @RealKidPoker that is absolutelyyyy false. If you watch you see the whole table defending me on the clock called

2016-09-21 20:42:55
Stacy Matuson @StacyAcey

@RealKidPoker shocked, you must have missed the whole table agreeing? Was not 10 min, time span was not edited. Ps I didn't lose composure:)

2016-09-21 20:51:17
Stacy Matuson @StacyAcey

Table talk is amazing, I even encourage it ! you just can't break wsop rules over and over and not get penalized for it. That's really all.

2016-09-21 20:59:29
Stacy Matuson @StacyAcey

@RealKidPoker would love to call in , for you on this one to discuss

2016-09-21 21:28:41
Stacy Matuson @StacyAcey

@JCohen130 @GordonVayo @loufrancoeur appreciated *realistic defense of time clock called, you guys know because you were there 👍🏻♠️🙏🏼 ty!

2016-09-21 23:12:56
Poker ポーカー Now @poker_ing

WSOPメインイベントDay5のWilliam Kassoufペナルティ事件でDaniel Negreanuにまで非難された相手方のStacy Matusonだが、先程本人が登場し反撃開始、当時同卓していた他のメンバーにも声をかけ同意を求めている。 twitter.com/StacyAcey/stat…

2016-09-21 23:23:35
louise francoeur @loufrancoeur

@StacyAcey @JCohen130 @GordonVayo @StacyAcey they took out most of discussion, I tore into guy for calling clock in that situation.

2016-09-21 23:44:48
Stacy Matuson @StacyAcey

The time clock is a necessity! & is used for people abusing the time allowed, you can't just call clock because you want your next hand? 😉😊

2016-09-21 23:53:17
louise francoeur @loufrancoeur

@GordonVayo i wish espn showed us telling bratty boy to stop innocent act and own up to being dick!. Take it down in November:) @StacyAcey

2016-09-21 23:53:35
louise francoeur @loufrancoeur

@GordonVayo @StacyAcey HaHa! Sounds like Karma:) Remember he cracked my Aces that cocky little Brit lol

2016-09-22 01:04:12
Cliff Josephy @JohnnyBaxPoker

@RealKidPoker Pls keep in mind that all we see is the edited version. We have no idea how insufferable he was previously, + if he was warned

2016-09-22 02:06:39
Daniel Negreanu @RealKidPoker

@JohnnyBaxPoker I have played with countless players who's table talk is insufferable. No rule against it lol

2016-09-22 03:33:50
gordon veilleux @GordonVayo

@JohnnyBaxPoker @RealKidPoker this penalty was given cumulatively. It wasn't specific to 1 hand or action.

2016-09-22 03:40:54
gordon veilleux @GordonVayo

@Buzman98 @JohnnyBaxPoker @RealKidPoker I think so. It had almost nothing to do w the fact he was talking + everything to do w his approach

2016-09-22 03:54:34
gordon veilleux @GordonVayo

@DarryllFish @realcharder30 fwiw I think jack handled it very well. Hard to portray on tv but I think the future coverage will clarify a bit

2016-09-22 03:56:58
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