#Libya カダフィ次男のテレビ演説、「ベネズエラ」説、「大佐」の傘、など…2月21日、22日

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Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

Analyst Najla Abdulrrahman tells Al Jazeera: " I am stunned ... he is trying to play up their fears, he is trying to divide Libyans" Libya

2011-02-21 08:42:16
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

"all these things he warned would be taken away ... they are already not there ... he sounded desperate" : Najla Abdulrrahman tells #AJE

2011-02-21 08:43:54
deepthroat @gloomynews

反政府デモ参加市民への武力弾圧が続くリビアで、カダフィの息子で武力弾圧を指揮するサイフ・アル=イスラムがテレビに出て軍の対応を「過ち」と認め「軍は暴動鎮圧のノウハウがないから銃撃」と説明、死傷者数については「海外メディアの誇張」と主張。 http://ow.ly/402lp

2011-02-21 08:48:33
deepthroat @gloomynews

英タブロイドのメール紙はリビアで反政府デモ市民300人以上が殺害されたとし、2004年に経済制裁撤回を決定したブレアの「汚い取引」で英国製兵器がデモ鎮圧に使われることになったと批判。またリビア国内に英国企業150社以上が駐在していると。 http://ow.ly/403lg

2011-02-21 09:46:58
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

Heavy gunfire for the past 9 hours! God help us.

2011-02-21 10:56:31
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

4 cars blended with the demos againest the regime and then started to fire behind doors killing 4 i don't know about injures.

2011-02-21 10:59:19
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

Tomorrow will know for sure how many deaths. I know for sure there are 4 deaths.

2011-02-21 11:02:53
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

2 cars 4x4 stopped in aien zara to shoot people walking, no deaths.

2011-02-21 11:05:17
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

The Heavy machine gun i heard for the past 9 hours is tooooo much for a drugged youth mr saif gaddafi.

2011-02-21 11:12:20
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

The gunfire now is a little bit less than the past hours. it moved from the west area of tripoli to the south area. not stopped yet.

2011-02-21 11:15:41
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

What a long night. I wish the internet remains on so we can let the world know what is going on.

2011-02-21 11:20:38
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

Hundreds of #Libyans are being rushed into #Tripoli Medical Center from Green Square with gunshot wounds to the head. #Libya #Feb17 #Gaddafi

2011-02-21 12:00:44
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

RT @AJEnglish: Concern over rising Libya violence: Top US diplomats condemn crackdowns on protesters but stopped sho... http://aje.me/eHAHqU

2011-02-21 12:05:24
Ali Tweel 💾 @alitweel

I hear heavy gunfire, anti aircraft, AGAIN! WTH!? when is this going to stop? almost 11:15 hours since it started!! #Libya

2011-02-21 12:14:43
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

#AlJazeera guest reports that injured protesters arriving at #Tripoli hospitals are being killed by pro-gov forces #Libya

2011-02-21 12:22:56
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

"it's a massacre, it's a massacre; the Libyan regime has gone crazy. He's killing the protesters." #Libya http://boo.fm/b283732 v @acarvin

2011-02-21 12:35:55
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

We received a recording of a call from Tripoli soon after Seif Gaddafi's speech. Transcript coming soon on liveblog. http://ow.ly/407mi

2011-02-21 13:09:54
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

New audio: A Libyan American speaks to his brother in Tripoli after Seif Gaddafi's speech. Intense combat. http://ow.ly/407ZD

2011-02-21 13:51:19
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

A Libyan abroad with family in Tripoli says the situation has calmed somewhat there, and residents are praying the morning Fajr prayer.

2011-02-21 14:28:47
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

Moftah, Benghazi protester, told Al Jazeera earlier that security and military forces have withdrawn and the city is run by "young people".

2011-02-21 14:38:39
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

Rahma, Tripoli activist, says her father - a US citizen - was detained at peaceful protest yesterday. No contact since. http://ow.ly/408WS

2011-02-21 14:52:19
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

こんな話が出てたのか!>全員女性RT ArabRevolution: Gaddafi's 40-member bodyguard contingent, known as the Amazonian Guard, is entirely female. #Libya #Feb17

2011-02-21 15:10:52
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

そしてこういう「奇矯」な人物の「おもしろいネタ」は広がり方が違うということですね…RT @spearsden: そうそう。アマゾネス軍団。RT @nofrills: こんな話が出てたのか!>全員女性RT Gaddafi's 40-member bodyguard...

2011-02-21 15:14:21
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

#libjp リビア、政権筋が提示している物語(大筋)→「リビア分断を画策するシオニストの陰謀が外国人によって進められている。薬物等の影響下にあるチュニジア人やエジプト人がリビアの都市に入り込み、戦車を乗り回している。ベンガジでは50人程度死亡したようだ」ソースは私のリスト参照。

2011-02-21 16:07:55
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