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パレスチナ情報デスク🇵🇸 @palinfo_jp

9月末の段階で、#アレッポ に住む人たちの多くは最後には「大虐殺が起きる」と冷静に予想していた。そして、その通りになった。国際社会が悲劇を止めるチャンスはいくらでもあったはずだ。この38歳の化学教師と家族はまだ生きているだろうか? twitter.com/palinfo_jp/sta…

2016-12-14 07:53:32
Christiane Amanpour @amanpour

UN: Bodies in Aleppo are “lying in the streets,” but residents can’t get them bc of “fear of being shot on sight." cnn.it/2honVKt

2016-12-13 20:51:52

オスプレイ不時着、給油訓練中に不具合 翁長知事が抗議:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASJDG… 抗議? お見舞いじゃなくて?

2016-12-14 19:02:27
Federica Mogherini @FedericaMog

In #Aleppo priority in these hours is protect civilians, guarantee safe transit: it's regime & allies responsibility pic.twitter.com/sIbA4uYU1H

2016-12-14 07:41:23

まるで制裁解除すれば返還交渉が進むかような書き方ですが、プーチンはそんな約束していませんね →北方領土交渉、対ロシア制裁が壁 プーチン大統領、訪日前に考え示す huffingtonpost.jp/2016/12/13/rus… # @HuffPostJapanより

2016-12-14 14:04:44

Medics in Aleppo fear being killed or tortured for saving lives theguardian.com/world/2016/dec…

2016-12-14 19:14:54

2012年3月の拙ブログ→ 「プーチン発言」報道の誤解 - ワールド&インテリジェンス wldintel.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-679…

2016-12-14 11:46:47
パレスチナ情報デスク🇵🇸 @palinfo_jp

3年前から家族と #アレッポ で暮らす38歳の化学教師「もしアサドがアレッポ東部を奪取すれば、市内各所で大虐殺が起きるだろう」(Middle East Eye)middleeasteye.net/news/if-assad-… #シリア #シリア内戦

2016-09-29 22:09:02
Lina shamy @Linashamy

Assad regime & Iran didn't make any considerations to the international agreement in #Aleppo !and breached the ceasefire! #StandWithAleppo

2016-12-14 17:52:53
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

The Extreme Hazing of the Most Expensive Telescope Ever Built ift.tt/2hjRlWi

2016-12-08 03:18:40
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Judge throws out Marine Corps decision to remove officer who sent classified warning to colleagues ift.tt/2h3iDRj

2016-12-08 02:10:36
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Search underway for Marine pilot off coast of Japan ift.tt/2hiOr3X

2016-12-08 00:22:19
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

British captive John Cantlie appears in new propaganda video from Mosul ift.tt/2hj3pam

2016-12-08 01:10:34
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast: An Interview with Scott Charney ift.tt/2h6oGrq

2016-12-08 00:34:17
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Pentagon: Islamic State has lost its safe haven in Sirte, Libya ift.tt/2gX7ELz

2016-12-08 10:53:07
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Fleeting Convergence: Building Partner Capacity and Militias ift.tt/2gbwGmd

2016-12-08 03:54:17
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Understanding the Dangers of Egypt's NGO Law ift.tt/2gUFdxR

2016-12-08 02:30:31
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Trump Appoints DHS Secretary and Ambassador to China ift.tt/2h75OWt

2016-12-08 05:59:20
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

In this moment we serve as a reminder that humanity will always prevail and defy dictatorship. We will not kneel. #saveAleppo

2016-12-13 10:04:04
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly picked to head Department of Homeland Security ift.tt/2gaR2kg

2016-12-08 01:50:10
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Soldier succumbs to wounds received during November suicide bombing in Afghanistan ift.tt/2gWMtJQ

2016-12-08 08:57:21
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

The Annoying Red Teamer: A Philosophical Approach to the Problem ift.tt/2h7pXhL

2016-12-08 06:52:24
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