【20110301-03】ハイチ 14【祝祭と夜明けの余震】

 http://togetter.com/li/105835 の続き。  28日、復興会議のためクリントン氏(元米大統領の方の)がハイチ入り。  1日の早朝、眠りの浅い人が目を覚ます程度の余震があった模様。長さは5sという人あり20sという人あり、良く分からない。  お祭り中。と思ったらまだ準備中。
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Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Is Barikad Crew breaking rank and throwing supporting behind a certain presidential candidate? #haiti #elections

2011-03-03 23:32:26
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Fantom of #BarikadCrew says "We're in a moment where the question is will we be buried deeper in the hole or dig ourselves out." #haiti

2011-03-03 23:52:40
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

#Manigat is moved by words of a university student who talks about why he's supporting her. #elections #haiti

2011-03-03 23:54:56
Jacqueline Charles @Jacquiecharles

Both #Haiti presidential candidates list education as a top priority. But we're all waiting to see the fine details. #elections

2011-03-03 23:57:41
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ 3/4(金) ------------✄

2011-03-04 00:00:00
前へ 1 ・・ 7 8