海外バンドからのメッセージ #prayforjapan

不安で眠れない夜を過ごしている人たちに、少しでも元気になってもらいたい。 海外バンドからのメッセージをまとめました! 自由に編集してください!
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LOSERS @losersuk

Still can't get over all of the pictures coming through from Japan. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.

2011-03-14 03:54:06
LOSERS @losersuk

Over the years Japan has shown me and TCTC so much love.You are an amazing country. These are difficult times and we are all thinking of you

2011-03-14 04:02:01

When disaster strikes, its hard to remain in a good state of mind. However, there is a light at the end of a tunnel, it is just hard to find

2011-03-14 06:06:37

To everyone in Japan: STAY STRONG! I love you so much and I am sending all of my party power to you during these intense times.

2011-03-14 06:37:14
brendanwaltermelon @thenoiseghoul

This blows my mind. How horrible. "@nytimes: Satellite photos of devastation in #Japan, before and after: http://nyti.ms/hYQF9W"

2011-03-14 06:48:10
brendanwaltermelon @thenoiseghoul

Remember to donate to Japan! Text REDCROSS to 90999 to send $10

2011-03-14 06:51:20
Tokio Hotel @tokiohotel

Japan - what an unbelievable disaster. We are deeply shocked and have no words for it! We are feeling with all... http://fb.me/BDRkrOU7

2011-03-14 07:45:00
fromidable! @owenpallett

To friends in Japan, I wish I was with you guys in your time of need, big love and support from me and Patrick

2011-03-14 14:56:45

DO THIS! -- In US u can text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 for Japan earthquake and Pacific Tsunami. Online: http://bit.ly/cNuH67

2011-03-14 15:50:14
Zacky V @Vengenz1

Our hearts continue to go out to all our friends in Japan affected by this terrible incident.

2011-03-15 01:53:19
TravisRobinsonClark @travisrclark

Japan, I am praying for you...this makes me so sad...hold on!!

2011-03-15 08:24:26
Kylie Minogue @kylieminogue

*Sending love and support to Japan, love Kylie* 日本へ愛と援助を送ります。愛をこめて。カイリー

2011-03-16 02:29:39
Billie Joe Armstrong @billiejoe

I'm in shock watching the news footage on the tsunami in japan. Trying to process the devastation. Give to the red cross. Anything we can.

2011-03-18 12:55:25
Silverstein @silverstein

Here's a song I wrote for the people of Japan. It's called Stay Strong. Josh's dog "Dude" helped. Love, Shane. http://fb.me/X7kEODfw

2011-03-22 06:07:57
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