
シーシェパードの支持者他の「地震ざまぁみろ」発言と、岩手県大槌町を訪れていた活動家の安否を気遣う日本人の対比。#thecove #taiji #seashepherd

【一連の流れ】当初イルカや捕鯨絡みで因果応報だとするツイートが多かったのですが、現在はパールハーバーがらみの発言がアメリカでトレンドになっているようです。いくつか韓国侵略・南京事件を挙げるものもありますが、ごく少数。現在はこうした発言が不謹慎だとする指摘が大半で、地震に関する発言全体からみればこうした不謹慎な発言は非常に少数になっています。 当初シーシェパード自体がこうした発言を行っていたわけではなかったのですが、シーシェパード代表のポール・ワトソンが「地震は天罰」とするポエムを公開していたことが判明しました。→http://togetter.com/li/111604 地震に関する海外からのポジティヴなコメントについては#prayforjapanをご覧ください。このリストよりはるかに多くの人からのコメントが付いています。この写真集も、素敵→http://www.i4pc.jp/prayforjapan 続きを読む
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Uh, vinden jullie het gek wat er gebeurd is met Japan..? Ik bedoel; karma.

2011-03-11 23:22:00

The people I don't feel bad for in Japan are ones who are involved with the dolphin slaughter, dieee fuckerrs ahahah karmaa. All others rip.

2011-03-11 23:23:12
lil poundcake @octothotzz

Any of yous who making fun of Japan for this.... Karma is gonna bite you in the ass.

2011-03-11 23:23:12
Chad P @chadpleasant

I hate it for japan but my response to that is Pearl Harbor! Karma in the form of mother nature!

2011-03-11 23:27:11

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, mother nature attacks them. #karma

2011-03-11 23:27:13
E-WA/いーわ @ewa4618

F**K OFF RT @mautwt: The tsunami was caused in revenge by the families of the thousands of dolphins massacred in #Japan every year. #TheCove

2011-03-11 23:30:35
Lynee @LyneeCoan

So bout these Japan's karma tweets...we bombed Hiroshima & Nagasaki ages ago so this quake isnt their karma 4 Pearl Harbor. #stfu

2011-03-11 23:33:06
Rico @_ELELcoolJay

What happened to japan is what I call.. Karma! Tag you're it!

2011-03-11 23:33:50
hmc @hmcegg

シー・シェパードネタホントっぽい #thecove で確認

2011-03-11 23:35:44
そかたん @sokaton

マジかよRT @kamadolphins: シー・シェパードネタホントっぽい #thecove で確認

2011-03-11 23:36:42

kwsk QT @azzekuradukuri: マジかよRT @kamadolphins: シー・シェパードネタホントっぽい #thecove で確認

2011-03-11 23:36:55
Mauri מאורי @mautwt

I was very worried and feeling bad about what happened in #Japan today... then I remembered #TheCove... fuck 'em!!

2011-03-11 23:37:50
ROY @royhoshino

Hey, get lost! @Tegan_Ashley: Can't help but thinking maybe the Japanese Earthquake is Karma for the dolphin and whale killings

2011-03-11 23:37:53
hmc @hmcegg

一応。シー・シェパード公式というよりは、その支持者が…って感じだね  #thecove

2011-03-11 23:39:05
E-WA/いーわ @ewa4618

So what? Hundreds of people are injured and dying right now! Pray for them before accusing us! RT @mautwt: @ewa4618 #TheCove !!!

2011-03-11 23:39:33

seen a tweet that said japan having a earthquake was karma for pearl harbor, #dumbshit, u mustve ain't kno we bombed nagasaki and hiroshima

2011-03-11 23:42:46
Mauri מאורי @mautwt

I'm also causing havoc in #Japan with my insensitive twits... guess I'm like #Godzilla. #TheCove!!!

2011-03-11 23:46:04

We bombed 2 of they major cities in world war 2, japan already got its karma back from pearl harbor...don't say dumb shit

2011-03-11 23:46:19

People really talking about "this is karma for Japan" like really?

2011-03-11 23:48:09
Mauri מאורי @mautwt

@return_false I have the right to do/think/talk about whatever the fuck I want. Get bent asshole!!! #Godzilla #TheCove

2011-03-11 23:49:55

@hippydippyscot I was talking about it to my postie friend this morning and he thinks it's karma for the shark/dolphin trade over there. :(

2011-03-11 23:50:34
加谷善幸 @katanizen


2011-03-12 00:05:25
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