オープンデータAPIと機械学習で分析! シンガポールのタクシー空車情報 #pyconjp #pyconjp_201

Using machine learning to try and predict taxi availability Hari Allamraju @supercoderhari In this talk we will use the taxi availability data from Singapore to learn how we can predict taxi availability with machine learning, and also discuss how such information might be used to help consumers and taxi companies
リンク GitHub hari-allamraju/pycon-talk-taxidata pycon-talk-taxidata - Repo for my talk on machine learning with taxi data at PyCon APAC 2017 and PyCon JP 2017
ゆべし @yubessy

RDD/DataFrameだけじゃなくてDatasetも使えるようになるといいんだけど #pyconjp_201

2017-09-08 11:50:32
Takeshi Akutsu @akucchan_world

SG gov are also providing weather datasets such as rainfall, temperature, etc. developers.data.gov.sg/data-gov-sg-ap… #pyconjp_201

2017-09-08 11:51:12
ゆべし @yubessy

session IDをsecondary sortとかで頑張る、すごくわかる #pyconjp #pyconjp_201

2017-09-08 11:59:46
リンク Data.gov.sg Taxi Availability-Data.gov.sg For access to real-time taxi availability data. Returns location coordinates of all Taxis that are currently available for hire. Does not include "Hired" or "Busy" Taxis. 54