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Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Face of Defense: Dominican-Born Airman Inspires Serenity ift.tt/2i3g4zY

2017-10-25 22:26:15
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

3 US Carrier Strike Groups Enter Asia-Pacific Ahead of Trump’s Visit ift.tt/2izfQEE

2017-10-26 00:04:44
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Pentagon deployed elite commandos to Niger fearing that militants were hunting missing soldier ift.tt/2zEr5Po

2017-10-25 22:05:43
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Tillerson Says U.S. Sanctions Targeting Iran’s "Malign Behaviors" Only ift.tt/2leu3b9

2017-10-25 22:26:31
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Live Stream: House Hearing on Kaspersky Risk to Federal Government ift.tt/2gAKv09

2017-10-25 23:16:56
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Letter to the Editor: Finding a Middle Ground on “Areas of Active Hostilities” ift.tt/2xluEtd

2017-10-25 21:56:07
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Dunford: Chiefs of Defense Counter-ISIS Meeting ‘Historic’ ift.tt/2h8ZJdz

2017-10-25 21:36:11
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Russia to Test Deadliest Nuke Twice Before Year’s End ift.tt/2y6A5vx

2017-10-25 23:39:31
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

An Uzbek President Touches Down in Turkey for the First Time in 18 Years ift.tt/2yQkaWi

2017-10-26 00:19:38
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Document: Executive Order to Resume US Refugee Admissions Program ift.tt/2zDI9F9

2017-10-25 23:01:42
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

Sudan is still listed as a state sponsor of terrorism – so why did the US just lift sanctions? ift.tt/2yPhJmR

2017-10-25 22:57:40
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

How the US Is Losing to China in Southeast Asia ift.tt/2zPwTH1

2017-10-25 23:39:32
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

US Amphibious Exercise Practices New Littoral Warfare Concepts ift.tt/2gB43S2

2017-10-26 00:10:43
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

The European Commission’s Privacy Shield Review Summarized ift.tt/2lfEOKm

2017-10-25 23:56:25
Business Insider @BusinessInsider

US Navy sent a 3rd aircraft carrier to the Pacific after it completed mission against ISIS read.bi/2y6SQPH pic.twitter.com/hCl9goyXBn

2017-10-26 00:22:13
Business Insider @BusinessInsider

Ultra-fast urbanization in some African countries is putting future populations at risk read.bi/2yLzlOE pic.twitter.com/JEzyxT7Lrq

2017-10-26 00:00:13
偶然短歌bot @g57577

競争が行われると、たいていは商品ごとの粗利が小さく #tanka ウィキペディア日本語版「価格競争」より ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BE%A1…

2017-10-26 00:02:27
えいち・えむ・えす・ゆりしーず @hms_ulysses


2017-10-26 00:02:25
民族と国境bot @NationBorderBOT

第二次バルカン戦争の侵攻ルート。 pic.twitter.com/qnfCE6WDM3

2017-10-26 00:02:25
History @HistoryTime_

25 October 1944. Heinrich Himmler orders the Gestapo to mount a crackdown on the Edelweiss Pirates, an anti Nazi youth group. pic.twitter.com/JqPvBYJ38u

2017-10-26 00:02:19
近現代中国書道bot@圧倒的康生力 @han_handwriting

ミハイル・アンドレーエヴィチ・スースロフ。「最高理論権威」「第一思想家」「赤い枢機卿」「社会主義苦行僧」「共産主義清教徒」「イデオロギーの守護神」と呼ばれた共産主義理論家。イデオローグとして中ソ論争も主導したネオ・スターリニスト。 pic.twitter.com/2xSQ8363OZ

2017-10-26 00:02:08
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