IGF2017 参加ツイート

My tweets at IGF2017 in Geneva ジュネーブで、IGF2017に参加した4日間のツイートです。
Izumi Aizu @izumia

日曜の朝から「Day0」会議。〈インターネット・ガバナンス〉に関わる多様な団体が議論を重ね。 デジタル版ジュネーブ条約、国境を超える誹謗中傷への対応、表現の自由とサイバーセキュリティ、ビッグデータとプライバシー、ガバナンスと政府の関与、テーマは尽きない。 女性スピーカーが多いのも特徴。 pic.twitter.com/w5jukXX7IQ

2017-12-18 00:17:07
Izumi Aizu @izumia

ドメイン名の国際管理機関ICANN の会議への参加を止めてから7年になる。 久しぶりにICANNが主催するセッションに来てみた。 旧知の顔がパラパラ、知らない顔が大半。 この世界で7年はとても長いな。 pic.twitter.com/UjJw0pePYE

2017-12-18 00:21:55
Izumi Aizu @izumia

ジュネーブは雪の朝。 IGF初日が国連ジュネーブ本部で始まりました。 いまは「人工知能の社会的責任と倫理 東西対話」というセッションに来ました。中国とアメリカの研究者たちがAIの社会に与える影響について議論。これが今の世界の現実(の一面)かなと。 pic.twitter.com/wSbCVQmfcm

2017-12-18 17:50:24
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Opening ceremony just started with welcome music by Swiss musician, welcome speech by Swiss President, followed by UN Secretary General via video, UN Under Secretary ITU SG ... Room full at historical Assembly Hall of Palais de Nation. pic.twitter.com/zakQa9tWPb

2017-12-18 23:39:54
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Day2. Workshop "Cyber BRICS", Russia, China emphasize Soveringty and role of Government, Brazil and India not so much. MSH and role of Civil Society? Now, workshop on Sharing Economy hosted by CNNIC & China Academy of Science. China as digital economy Champ. Governance? pic.twitter.com/Q1SyZBAkex

2017-12-20 00:04:12
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Day 3. Now at the ‘Dynamic Coalitions: Contribute to the Digital Future!’, putting all DCs around the theme of: Accessibility and Disability, Blockchain, Child Online Safety, Community Connectivity, Core Internet Values, Gender, Connecting the unconnected...

2017-12-20 19:23:33
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Day 3, DC meeting just ended. The themes go on: IoT, Net Neutrality, Platform Responsibility, Public... fb.me/930kSZWMl

2017-12-20 19:25:24
Izumi Aizu @izumia

NRI's perspectives, rights in Digital World part I just ended. Many countries and regions now having their IGFs, tackling issues of their common concern. Uganda, Turkey, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Nepal, China, Spain, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Germany,,, Japan as well. Impressive #IGF2017 pic.twitter.com/NpiTFSvRDc

2017-12-20 21:11:20
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies workshop, hosted by OECD & Ministry of Communication of Japan. Many AI sessions at this IGF. Blockchain as well. May not clear with Internet Governance? But certainly governance issues in the *use* of Internet. pic.twitter.com/GJtnVN4Cwd

2017-12-21 00:53:19
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Does AI understand Human Right? How about Free speech, Ethics? Are there research around these questions? Are these neo-luddites, or anti-globalization folks going to take violent actions against AI? It may... as FabLab Grenoble was burnt by anarchist in November.

2017-12-21 01:31:59
Izumi Aizu @izumia

AI makes life easier, but whose life when? It is the humans that run AI, that run nuclear weapons, technology, .. but AI might be more uncontrolable... is the fear. twitter.com/ErnestZhanaev/…

2017-12-21 01:44:35
Ernest Zhanaev @ErnestZhanaev

@izumia AI makes life easier. The question is whether AI technology would be widely available for ordinary consumers, not only for big MNEs. Still, it is the humans that run AI.

2017-12-21 01:39:40
Izumi Aizu @izumia

Super annual APC IGF Party, without this, #igf2017 has no color! Many thanks to APC. pic.twitter.com/t80Q3v7iI7

2017-12-21 05:33:16
Izumi Aizu @izumia

APrIGF Session on Synthesis Document - a collective output shaping the Future of IGF & NRIs Good outcome, still need some improvement like include new, emerging hot issues like AI, digital economy, blockchain etc. My comment. pic.twitter.com/eKBfDDGe6C

2017-12-21 18:34:07
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Second session attending today: Digital Transformation: How do we shape its socio-economic and labor impacts for good? Transborder business, trade, data ownership, tax, SDGs. Global challenges so many, deep & diverse. pic.twitter.com/Btek1eGZyw

2017-12-21 19:36:19
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 My third session of Day 4, last day: NRIs Coordination Session. National and Regional IGFs getting together. In the beginning, there was only One GLOBAL IGF. Now, so many. Unintended. pic.twitter.com/ZuEojEwVfR

2017-12-21 21:01:51
Izumi Aizu @izumia

#IGF2017 Thomas Schneider, Chair of Host Country for IGF, at the end of Open Mic, said "Maybe we could change the name of IGF into Internet Governance Agenda Setting Forum or Platform" something like that. Very bold, hits core issue. I like it.

2017-12-22 01:14:22