
軍事板常見問題本館はこちら: http://mltr.ganriki.net/index02.html
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粗製(脳が焼かれた姿) @Sogekisyu01

海で遭難した際に飲水を確保する方法 自分の小便飲むよりは大分マシといえる pic.twitter.com/gkQzRgkZai

2018-01-02 18:06:54
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

@HikaruIjuin  池の水を抜く番組のその後が放送されていますが,習志野市の池にカワセミが戻ってきた等,最近の地上波ではあまり聞かない「ちょっといい話」なのが良いですね.

2018-01-02 19:10:31
The Times of Israel @TimesofIsrael

Israel assesses Iran protests could come to threaten regime — report timesofisrael.com/israel-assesse… pic.twitter.com/ZqHYS7wSUe

2018-01-02 05:48:08
The Times of Israel @TimesofIsrael

How his novel led an author into the intriguing world of WWII art restitution timesofisrael.com/how-his-novel-… pic.twitter.com/nauWZd24X2

2018-01-02 12:16:05
The Times of Israel @TimesofIsrael

IDF chief: Calls for massive retaliation in Gaza are ‘irresponsible’ timesofisrael.com/idf-chief-call… pic.twitter.com/c8Q7Xa2VUM

2018-01-02 18:42:04
古い時代の軍艦bot @ironclad1990

アメリカ海軍 ダイナマイト砲巡洋艦ヴェスヴィオス 1890年アメリカのウィリアム・クランプ・アンド・サンズ社で建造された。 艦首に圧縮空気でダイナマイトの詰まった砲弾を飛ばすザリンスキー空気圧砲3門を装備していた。pic.twitter.com/rxeu5CvAwm

2018-01-02 19:02:48
ドイツ戦車bot @Pzkpfw_bot


2018-01-02 19:02:03
伊集院光 @HikaruIjuin


2018-01-02 14:50:24
nofrills🍉文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

2011年のバーレーンの映像が、2018年のイランの映像だとして、拡散されてるみたいっすね。 #FakeNews #Iranprotests #iranprotest twitter.com/EliotHiggins/s…

2018-01-01 23:50:44
Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins

This is Bahrain in 2011, but with 12k retweets, and 20k likes, what journalist is going to want to delete those sweet sweet engagement stats? twitter.com/KamVTV/status/…

2018-01-01 23:41:11
nofrills🍉文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

シリア、東グータ(ゴータ)。攻撃を受けた一般市民の救護にあたるホワイト・ヘルメッツ。 #Syria #シリア #WhiteHelmets #humanity twitter.com/SyriaCivilDef/…

2018-01-01 23:57:35
The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef

Civil Defense volunteers works to pull many injured civilians, after 2 air raids targeted #Mesraba town in #EasternGhouta pic.twitter.com/rwVkVmb9iS

2018-01-01 23:42:26
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

Zionists publish a full page ad smearing Lorde as an anti-Semite after canceling her Israel gig: google.co.il/amp/s/amp.theg…

2018-01-01 23:35:24
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

These see the resources we are up against and yet we still seeing cancelation after cancelation, and as importantly, artist after artist sign onto cultural boycott

2018-01-01 23:36:44
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

What I know is this: Cultural boycott advocates aren't taking out full page ads (that cost 10s of 1000s of dollars) and aren't backed by multimillion dollar groups. They are simply appealing to an artist's conscience. And guess what, they are finding success

2018-01-01 23:45:21
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

So when a government and well funded orgs in Israel with well funded orgs in the US work with promoters and managers and thrown millions of dollars at artists (sometimes 5x to 10x their normal rate), it's astonishing to see how much cultural boycott success there has been

2018-01-01 23:48:13
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

You got millions to spend, billions for military aid, and western governments on your side, but we got truth and history, and that has no price tag

2018-01-01 23:49:53
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