
Sample"Good Death Vibration"トーク 地底妖精トーク ICAフィラデルフィア ルー・ヤン
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Nayland Blake @naylandblake

@ICAPhiladelphia knows how to throw a great party! If you don't believe me, check this: artforum.com/diary/john-art…. And join us tomorrow for our queer mixer!

2018-02-14 11:15:34
Nayland Blake @naylandblake

The crowd was so excited to see @saeborg_latex at Tag tonight. So much love for the show and the @icaphiladelphia hosted everything so beautifully. It's rare that an opening feels like a real party, but they made it happen. ift.tt/2DYe8H5 pic.twitter.com/9qaAJNTEXT

2018-02-03 14:01:13
Nayland Blake @naylandblake

Much of TAG is installed and the show is looking great. So glad to have had the chance to bring all of these artists together.

2018-01-31 08:11:45
サエボーグ @saeborg

Regrann from @allisonruthdoran - Amazing work up at the ICA rn... - #regrann ift.tt/2FQThWk pic.twitter.com/JN3kFk0gOQ

2018-03-13 23:23:54
サエボーグ @saeborg

Regrann from @youbeeverywhere - "A pig resembles a saint in that he is more honored after death than during his lifetime." - Irma S. Rombauer #saeborg #icaphilly #queerplay #art #lgbtq #contemporaryart #modernart #artist #philadelphia #philly #phillyartift.tt/2tHw0Bk pic.twitter.com/x1MDt1r7Os

2018-03-12 18:29:59
James Wagner @jamesarthurwagner.bsky.social @wagnerblog

Saeborg, ‘Pigpen’, and two stills from a video compilation, @ICAPhiladelphia pic.twitter.com/kLcn0v9Hnl

2018-02-19 10:04:11
Patricia Silva (they) 💖💜💙 @senseandsight

Great show @ICAPhiladelphia curated by @naylandblake. Something for everybody: pigs, fashion, ball crushers, card gaymes, and even some belts for shy people. 💖 pic.twitter.com/jFWXXNP5X9

2018-02-03 12:04:35
Sharang Biswas @SharangBiswas

Excited to be part of the "Proposals on Queer Play and the Ways Forward" exhibition at @ICAPhiladelphia at @Penn! I'll be showing "Feast", my weird little game that won an @IndieCade award. icaphila.org/exhibitions/88… #gaming #indiegames #gamedesign #art #rpg

2018-01-18 11:42:45
ゴッホ今泉 @GoghImaizumi

「キャンダーシティ、クリプトナイト、孤独の要塞、マイク・ケリー。」をトゥギャりました。 togetter.com/li/1202818

2018-02-25 00:59:10
サエボーグ @saeborg

ビリケン謹製サエポーク・ソフビもICA(フィラデルフィア)にて展示中→Regrann from @kitoeki - - #regrann #ビリケン商会 #softvinyl #ソフビ#figure #sculpture #ICATAG #ICA#queerplay ift.tt/2FBDBCZ pic.twitter.com/Am8FoRkzvU

2018-03-12 18:44:15
サエボーグ @saeborg

Fire wrap! 火ぐるみ可動してるとこ。2015 岡本太郎記念館にて→Regrann from @_wato - やっぱり動くとめっちゃイイなぁー。#サエボーグ - #regrann #Fire #Godzilla #flame #latex #shinee pic.twitter.com/sVGkrqJRYy

2018-04-04 10:51:54
中野貴雄とギャルショッカーズ🐤 @galshocker

この光るウミウシみたいなの着ぐるみなんだよ。すごくない? pic.twitter.com/8yAPVsOJVq

2018-03-17 08:29:05
🐯Tigrino Mojosa🐯 @VeraTigress

youtu.be/rxGmTGYYSAw I want to design stuff like @saeborg some day! This is her piece Slaughterhouse Six, and her stripper sheep is still so iconic ❤

2018-03-17 22:04:18
サエボーグ @saeborg

2016 GoldFinger party performance cast:ゆずこ、タエ、ちぇちりあ→Regrann from @chiga4649gf - メス豚屠殺ストリップ!(◎_◎;) #gfparty #womenonly #zombie #新宿二丁目 pic.twitter.com/ybeWNSU8Hj

2018-03-21 23:52:51
サエボーグ @saeborg

2016 Gold Finger party performance cast:yuzoko,tae, checilia →Regrann from @goldfinger_staff - おパンツ振り回してノリノリ❤️笑 新世界体感できた10月GF PARTYでした💋 pic.twitter.com/DQhDtJpUqi

2018-03-21 20:37:57
Rachel D'Amour @racheldamour

自分でもナゼかよくわからんが、なんか今までで1番グッときた。。。メス豚屠殺ストリップ。。。 twitter.com/saeborg/status…

2018-03-22 00:03:49
Rachel D'Amour @racheldamour


2018-03-22 00:13:53
サエボーグ @saeborg

@racheldamour GFでの反応が今までパフォーマンスしたところの中で一番過激でした✨

2018-03-22 01:03:06
サエボーグ @saeborg

2016 Department-H 大ゴム祭でのperformanceの様子。今年の大ゴム祭は5月5日(土)の真夜中から開催。家畜シリーズではなく、新シリーズ第1弾の発表となります→ from @miina__chan - oiちゃん@oi_chan_ の動画からrepost pic.twitter.com/tR7Y0yYCVI

2018-03-22 21:42:47
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