Writing Blockchain Clients in Swift #tryswiftconf

Collecting "Writing Blockchain Clients in Swift" tweets. Everyone can edit this togetter. If there are some mistakes, please edit.
akatsuki.kt/.swift@育休中 @akatsuki174

今日最後のセッションブロック開始! #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:33:18
rokipy @rokipy

今年は登壇者の山岳遭難が起きませんように🙏🏔 #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:34:51
koishi @mego_

会場ちょっと涼しい、少し寒いですかね #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:35:58
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

Blockchain decentralize ledgers and have potential to change society in a meaningful way? #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:36:13
イノウ・マサヒロ 編集者 @ino22u

try!swiftで、swift try している。 どうも。Wantedly の人事です。 #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:37:17
Kaoru @TachibanaKaoru

Tamar Nachmanyさんの Blockchainの話。ニックネームは「卵」だそうです。 #tryswiftconf pic.twitter.com/rhRmz4MrCx

2018-03-01 16:38:34
kazutoyo @kazutoyo

EthereumKitを今作っている人がいるらしいぞ github.com/yuzushioh/Ethe… #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:38:40
Gilad Ronat @giladronat

Ayy @tamarshmallows about the blockchain. No, it’s not about how to get rich in two weeks by throwing your money at bitcoin. “Interacting with the Etherium blockchain with Swift” #tryswiftconf pic.twitter.com/hXjNryOIhn

2018-03-01 16:38:41
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

Any blockchain-based product can be built on top of the Ethereum blockchain #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:39:42
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

The Ethereum client is the one that interacts with the Ethereum node(the node that contains the blockchain) #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:42:00
try! Swift Tokyo @tryswiftconf

You can take photo with Riko! try!Swiftの公式キャラクターRikoと写真が撮れます! #tryswiftconf pic.twitter.com/iFmXReyz2k

2018-03-01 16:42:48
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

On mobile, we can write light node(?) - something that is much smaller than the blockchain itself #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:43:47
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

2 options to run the web3.js - 1) use it with React Native 2)WebKit #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:48:27
緋円 @hien_twit

忘れた財布を回収してまた忘れて運営にお世話になる失態😭 #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:49:14
にわタコ @niwatako

ブロックチェーンクライアントにそんなにパフォーマンス要らなかろうと思っているけど #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:50:41
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

As such, we need a framework in Swift, written in Swift by Swift developers #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:51:59
Sabrina Zuraimi @brinapingu

What could be more interesting is to have a framework for universal login in the web3 framework #tryswiftconf

2018-03-01 16:52:46