
軍事板常見問題に使うかもしれないデータを集積しているだけの,倉庫のような名状しがたき何かです. 軍事板常見問題本館: http://mltr.ganriki.net/index02.html  エンコードはunicord
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The Brookings Institution @BrookingsInst

Just by cutting global food waste in half, the world could feed 3 times the number of malnourished people on the planet brook.gs/2oL0Lji pic.twitter.com/ZRP6IbWd3E

2018-09-29 16:48:00
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Will China succeed in its efforts to lead innovation in quantum technology? trib.al/edhsGwj

2018-09-29 14:27:50
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

“Over the past 30 years, a number of states—those in the West and, above all, the United States—have used international institutions to project their power and values into the developing world, while keeping their fingerprints off it.” trib.al/WI4JCY4

2018-09-29 04:34:18
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

The agreement between #Greece and #Macedonia on the latter’s name is not only about an overdue resolution to the name dispute, writes @fbieber. It also constitutes a breaking point for the region. trib.al/1KYxsoC

2018-09-29 05:11:32
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

The resumption of U.S. sanctions has dealt a severe blow to Iran’s economy, but looking just at the decline in Iran’s currency doesn’t provide an accurate measure of the damage. trib.al/1MN6FIf

2018-09-29 15:16:27
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Chinese leaders believe they still have the ability to manage Trump, writes Yadong Liu. trib.al/v62DkUc

2018-09-29 10:30:10
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

A referendum on Macedonia's official name will be held on Sunday, following an agreement reached with Greece a few months ago. What's behind this decades-old dispute? trib.al/TeQBqUc

2018-09-29 11:16:25
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

The rivalry between the United States and China, writes @EBKania, “will be shaped by the two countries’ trajectories in today’s emerging technologies—especially artificial intelligence and quantum computing.” trib.al/PyhP0Ab

2018-09-29 08:11:36
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

One important check on presidents’ foreign policies was consultation with allies, but in the 1990s, the United States increasingly came to believe that as the lone superpower, it had both the ability and the duty to shape the world to its liking. trib.al/ucE6AcK

2018-09-29 03:35:33
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

U.S. discourse often suggests that multilateral institutions have the power to act against states, writes @brucebrookings, but other governments and most policy professionals see them primarily as tools for states to use as they work with one another. trib.al/llUlccL

2018-09-29 07:34:32
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Trump’s brand of statecraft is not out of step with much of U.S. history, writes Charles A. Kupchan. Rather, he is discarding the key tenets of foreign policy since World War II and following older strain of thinking about the country's role in the world. trib.al/gFkqqA8

2018-09-29 13:18:24
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Yadong Li writes that the narrative that Trump’s pressure on China is working, and Chinese leaders are worried, is almost the exact opposite of the truth. trib.al/wsvh40J

2018-09-29 16:31:59
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Seen through the prism of public opinion, the two-state solution is not dead in #Israel or #Palestine. But other dynamics are interfering. trib.al/YSgleTk

2018-09-29 05:34:30
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

“China has already been helpful to Trump’s personal bottom line. It has, for example, fast-tracked the approval of trademarks owned by Ivanka Trump and supported development projects in Indonesia that involve the Trump Organization.” trib.al/FIDGlD8

2018-09-29 06:13:08
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Macedonian voters will decide on Sunday whether to change the country's name, which could pave the way to normalized relations with Greece and eventual EU and NATO membership. Read @fbieber on the stakes of the referendum: trib.al/EpfDGjP

2018-09-29 17:09:43
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Today in History, 1950: #Indonesia joins the UN one year after independence. In our April 1958 issue, former Indonesian Vice President Mohammad Hatta described the country's strategy for navigating a world dominated by the Communist bloc and the West. trib.al/GZuK5l4

2018-09-29 04:14:07
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

For the 188 countries that don’t have veto power in the UN Security Council, writes Bruce Jones, to have Washington moan about the UN threatening its sovereignty induces serious eye rolling. trib.al/ZF2i7vu

2018-09-29 18:12:10
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

Trump’s isolationist instincts and his attack on multilateralism, globalization, democracy promotion, and immigration have provoked passionate opposition at home and abroad—and for good reason, writes Charles A. Kupchan. trib.al/hptiY4i

2018-09-29 19:02:12
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

立憲民主党、参院選比例に漫才師のおしどりマコ氏、亀石倫子弁護士を擁立。 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271625 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:24:31
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

バーナンキ「危機と決断 バーナンキ回顧録」(上巻)を今更ながら読む。 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271626 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:24:25
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

宮内の17年末フィリピン取材記、ルソン島や戦後のミンダナオ島など - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271171 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:22:49
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

沖縄県知事選『玉城さんが、「日米から沖縄を取り戻す」と叫んでるのが放送されていました。理解が出来ません』『県知事選挙でそのような事を言ってどうするの?』なお 八重山日報にも記事掲載があったもよう - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271217 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:22:43
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

韓国、旭日旗の掲揚自粛を求める→海上自衛隊、旭日旗を掲げ「国際観艦式」に参加へ - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271362 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:22:37
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

東京新聞佐藤記者の発言をきっかけに物理的半減期、生物学的半減期、実効半減期を学ぶまとめ - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271367 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:22:31
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

台風直撃だけど内定式を強行する会社も?疑問の声が集まる「ブラック企業リトマス試験紙」「内定式やる意味ある?」 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1271378 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-09-29 21:22:19
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