
軍事板常見問題に使うかもしれないデータを集積しているだけの倉庫です(渋谷ハロウィンで半壊 軍事板常見問題本館: http://mltr.ganriki.net/index02.html  エンコードはunicord
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CNN International @cnni

Two Chinese intelligence officers have been charged by the United States Justice Department with trying to steal the details for a type of jet engine technology from US-based companies cnn.it/2Dd3efG

2018-10-31 13:26:05
The Daily Beast @thedailybeast

One of the shadier characters in politics, along with a number of fringe internet figures, appears to be behind an attempt to pay women to accuse Robert Mueller of sexual assault thebea.st/2Q8jS2Q

2018-10-31 04:20:06
Blogs of War @BlogsofWar

"Don't influence these elections. We know who you are, we are tracking you, there will be consequences" twitter.com/ACScowcroft/st…

2018-10-31 00:14:00
Scowcroft Center @ACScowcroft

.@Jason_Healey in Star Beacon: With the threat of midterm election interference, the US may go on the digital offensive buff.ly/2SuBV4H

2018-10-31 00:08:00
Scowcroft Center @ACScowcroft

.@Jason_Healey in Star Beacon: With the threat of midterm election interference, the US may go on the digital offensive buff.ly/2SuBV4H

2018-10-31 00:08:00
U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet @USNavyEurope

#ICYMI: ADM Foggo highlights how @NATO & @USNavy P-8As are tracking Russian subs "operating in much greater numbers & in places they have not operated before" Read here: @CNN @cnni ow.ly/ccqn50jxiIj

2018-10-30 19:27:53
The New York Times @nytimes

From 1937-1938, during Stalin’s Great Terror, 30,000 people were shot in Moscow alone. Yesterday, thousands stood in line in the cold for hours to read out their names and honor their memory. nyti.ms/2Q5dFoa

2018-10-30 19:15:04
U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet @USNavyEurope

Adm (ret.) Stavridis op-ed: The @NATO Alliance sees war games (#TridentJuncture) as crucial to deter further aggressive behavior from Russia in wake of invasion of Ukraine, annexation of Crimea & ongoing cyber attacks #Power4Peace ow.ly/Hmel50jxgsk

2018-10-30 18:45:05
Editorial Staff @Strategypage

ON POINT: China Prepares for Hot War and Long Struggle bit.ly/2DcrnmJ

2018-11-01 06:11:58
学際系 @iiieiii1

@pgLHmiLBWMBTBCg @root454 @shoetsusato 今後について。「戦犯」という言葉が大好きな韓国は、これまでも日本企業を戦争犯罪企業と呼び営業妨害をしてきました。今後は慰安婦像の成功体験を活かして、言うことを聞かなければもっとやるぞと脅迫し世界中で日本企業の妨害を始めます。愛国のためと言いながら日本憎しを発散させるのです。

2018-10-30 11:19:10
総統 @soutou_d


2018-10-31 13:15:49
魔汁P @Mashiru

民度 "仏ハロウィーン 若者が暴徒化 放火に略奪も 100人超を検挙 | NHKニュース" www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2018…

2018-11-02 10:26:30
鬼頭えん🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 @kitoen2173


2018-11-02 12:26:51
Emiko @Emiko_blossom


2018-11-01 13:59:13
加藤登紀子 @TokikoKato


2018-11-02 21:33:00
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

手塚作品しばりの催し「 #キチムシ 」に田中圭一先生が乱入、手塚るみ子さんら会場の方々にボコられる - Togetter togetter.com/li/1284103 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-11-03 01:53:21
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

現世やめてのTOIECの世界いきたい「平和な世界」 - Togetter togetter.com/li/1284142 @togetter_jpさんから

2018-11-03 01:53:17
消印所沢 @KCin_Tokorozawa

元ネタはトランプ大統領?"一般社団法人 国民の知る権利を守る自由報道協会"なる組織が「第一回 日本 #フェイクニュース 大賞」なるものを発表していたもよう/なおリテラも2017にを発表 togetter.com/li/1283402

2018-11-03 01:49:14
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