2010 OpenID Technology Summit West Day 1

Nat Sakimura/崎村夏彦 @_nat

Common SDK/ Library, Common User Consent Flow (Single User Consent), Common Key Management ... #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:33:58
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Common SDK/ Library, Common User Consent Flow (Single User Consent), Common Key Management ... #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:33:59
Nat Sakimura/崎村夏彦 @_nat

Paypal has Authn API. Wants to replace with OpenID because Paypal do not want to maintain. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:35:48
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Paypal has Authn API. Wants to replace with OpenID because Paypal do not want to maintain. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:35:48
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

But interoperability of Open Source Libraries are problem. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:36:22
Andrew Arnott 🛡️ @aarnott

PayPal wants better open source OpenID libs, resolution to interoperability issues, automated testing tools, & RP certification #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:36:48
Chris Messina @chrismessina

The overall message from the OpenID Technical Summit West so far is: make it easier, make it simpler; make OpenID + OAuth work together.

2010-04-06 07:37:26
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Automated testing tools, RP Certification needed. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:37:31
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Session Swapping problem for OpenID. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:38:51
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Developer API, RP On boarding, Security are top three issues. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:39:49
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

For on boarding, sensitivity of the data counts. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:41:20
openid_retweeter @openidretweeter

RT: Session Swapping problem for OpenID. #openidconf: Session Swapping problem for OpenID. #openidconf http://bit.ly/a8t1a2

2010-04-06 07:43:50
Andrew Arnott 🛡️ @aarnott

GameStop setting up to present on OpenID issues #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:46:04
Andrew Arnott 🛡️ @aarnott

GameStop looking at OpenID to help on the sales checkout page, so "channel swapping" drop-offs are a stopper #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:55:35
Andrew Arnott 🛡️ @aarnott

Amazon presenting on OpenID adoption issues now #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:55:55
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

OpenID+OAuth too cumbersome. URL Length Issue. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:57:14
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Security is a perception issue. OpenID Profile for High Value Transaction. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:58:10
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

What business problem OpenID solves? Seemless integration. #openidconf

2010-04-06 07:58:59
Nat Sakimura @_nat_en

Amazon using OpenID for connecting multiple partner sites. #openidconf

2010-04-06 08:02:00
Andrew Arnott 🛡️ @aarnott

Yahoo just gave a ton of reasons why they can't become an OpenID RP yet. Good reasons, that challenge OpenID's value to RPs. #openidconf

2010-04-06 08:15:22