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Øystein L.A. @oysteinvolcano

Clear satelite image of #Krakatau volcano captured 10th January by #Sentinel2. There is still a lot of discoloration in the sea next to Anak-krakatau (middle). A white plume is also seen rising from the island. pic.twitter.com/dEw5lHq99z

2019-01-11 15:40:43
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

Another successful and safe day filming at #Krakatau - the #volcano was quiet. Today I took the drone higher to catch not only the island but also the amazing color of the sea water #Indonesia pic.twitter.com/m3E4APgiDy

2019-01-11 17:33:23
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

Got another good view of the new crater lake at #Krakatau - incredible #volcanic landscape down there pic.twitter.com/8M8P6OkImK

2019-01-11 17:36:09
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

The sea around #Krakatau is extremely hot! Could see steam rising from the ocean near the new beach #volcano pic.twitter.com/79JbRdf3gz

2019-01-11 17:43:23
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

Took another look at Kecil island to east of #Krakatau - the one which has been essentially killed off by the #volcano pic.twitter.com/FuA3w2cmWi

2019-01-11 17:52:57
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

Footage from #Krakatau in #Indonesia I shot yesterday and today - remarkable changes at a remarkable #volcano pic.twitter.com/DghbMyIO5B

2019-01-11 22:01:43
Øystein L.A. @oysteinvolcano

Image-comparison of Anak-Krakatau before and after collapse, showing the major changes to the volcanic Island. First photo captured 5th August and second photo taken by @EarthUncutTV today. 1/3 #AnakKrakatau pic.twitter.com/uXcU3cGydt

2019-01-11 23:39:09
Mahdi Motagh @MahdiMotagh

Continuous changes in backscattering of the #Anak_Krakatau following the 2018 December collapse mapped in detail by high-resolution spotlight data from #TerraSARX . The original images are copyright @DLR_en pic.twitter.com/uNFMxWtFxr

2019-01-12 18:49:41
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

High res 4K drone footage of Anak #Krakatau #volcano after the devastating collapse, major eruption and #tsunami - you can clearly see the new, shallow crater lake, intense colours in the sea water and major devastation to nearby islands from the tsunami youtube.com/watch?v=I-3A4G…

2019-01-12 19:28:02
月野うさはかせ Prof.Lièvre @usa_hakase

崩れ落ちた火山島 米社が衛星写真公開:朝日新聞デジタル (標高800mは誤り。崩れる前でも300mちょい) digital.asahi.com/articles/DA3S1…

2019-01-13 12:13:36
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

A new “beach” at Anak #Krakatau #volcano - boiling hot water, toxic fumes and scolding black sand pic.twitter.com/8pq71hrBEJ

2019-01-13 14:43:34
Øystein L.A. @oysteinvolcano

#AnakKrakatau volcano today 13th January as seen from hellicopter. Indonesian authorities say the amount of eruptions have recently declined, but the restriction/danger zone is still at 5km. Video by: BNPB - Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency. twitter.com/Sutopo_PN/stat…

2019-01-13 15:43:41
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho @Sutopo_PN

Inilah Gunung Anak Krakatau (GAK) dari helicopter BNPB pada 13/1/2019, 12.31 WIB. Tubuh GAK telah banyak berubah. Saat ini tinggi GAK hanya 110 meter dari sebelumnya 338 meter. Jumlah letusan cenderung menurun. Status masih Siaga. Zona berbahaya 5 km dari puncak kawah. pic.twitter.com/1GYjjNvjTe

2019-01-13 15:13:43
James Reynolds @EarthUncutTV

Digging through some “before” photos of island of Rakata near Anak #Krakatau shot in August 2018 and comparing to now. The beautiful jungle beach wiped away by the tsunami #volcano #Indonesia pic.twitter.com/eWHHe3ljh8

2019-01-14 21:52:49
月野うさはかせ Prof.Lièvre @usa_hakase

メモ:クラカタウ火山とその周辺の地質構造(西村ほか1994) repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstre…

2019-01-15 00:24:12
Prof. Simon Carn @simoncarn

These maps (from Thornton and Rosengren, 1988) show #AnakKrakatau the last time it hosted a crater lake, in 1931-52. The crater lake was filled in by lava flows and tephra in 1960-63. royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.109… pic.twitter.com/1Bv5ludtFz

2019-01-16 05:40:07
月野うさはかせ Prof.Lièvre @usa_hakase

こんな絵本見つけた。生物の消えた島 (福音館の科学シリーズ) 福音館書店 amazon.co.jp/dp/4834001628/… pic.twitter.com/NyinnDJ8FW

2019-01-17 20:58:29
月野うさはかせ Prof.Lièvre @usa_hakase

1883クラカタウ津波は鹿児島市の甲突川にも押し寄せたって書いてあるけど本当? pic.twitter.com/5P8TL7IVwy

2019-01-17 21:03:36
上川瀬名 @Yokohama_Geo

インドネシアの火山島、津波で東京ドーム200杯分が崩落 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20190… 「山体崩壊で崩落した土砂が0.21~0.26立方キロに上るとの解析結果を、東京大地震研究所の前野深准教授がまとめた」 …見出しが変だけど。

2019-01-19 15:12:41
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