
リンク Yahoo!ニュース クイーンのメイ、辺野古移設中止の署名呼び掛け(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース 英ロックバンド、クイーンのギタリスト、ブライアン・メイ(71)が、米軍普天間飛行場 - Yahoo!ニュース(日刊スポーツ) 1 user 262
リンク ニフティニュース クイーンのメイ、辺野古移設中止の署名呼び掛け|ニフティニュース 英ロックバンド、クイーンのギタリスト、ブライアン・メイ(71)が、米軍普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜野湾市)の名護市辺野古移設に抗議し、中止請願への署名を呼び掛けた。現在インターネット上では、新基地建設工事の… 29
リンク 琉球新報 クイーンのギタリスト、ブライアン・メイさんも協力呼び掛け 県民投票までの名護市辺野古埋め立て工事の中止を求めるホワイトハウス請願署名 米軍普天間飛行場の移設に伴う名護市辺野古の新基地建設で、県民投票が行われるまで埋め立て工事を中止することを求めるホワイトハウスの請願署名で、英ロックグループ、クイーンのギタリストで天文学者のブラ... 94 users 1278
Rob Kajiwara |比嘉孝昌| 魏孝昌 🍂🎃 @robkajiwara

URGENT: Please SIGN and SHARE this petition in order to save this coral reef from destruction! Petition closes Jan. 7! We need more signatures! 🌊🐠🐋🦐🐳🐡🐟🌊 bit.ly/StandwithOkina… #SaveTheWhales #SaveOurOceans #SaveOurSeas pic.twitter.com/F21EYlpktx

2019-01-02 22:21:28
Rob Kajiwara |比嘉孝昌| 魏孝昌 🍂🎃 @robkajiwara

I am heading out to Washington DC soon. January 7th at 11 am (Eastern Standard Time) we will be having a press conference and rally in front of the White House to celebrate the closing of our petition to save Henoko!

2019-01-06 04:11:22
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay

URGENT !!! URGENT !!! PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION to save a beautiful coral reef and irreplaceable eco-system, threatened by USA extending an airbase. Bri twitter.com/robkajiwara/st…

2019-01-07 02:15:41
Stephen F. Dellwo @StephenFDellwo

@DrBrianMay Brian I was in Okinawa when I was in the Army years ago, and it's a beautiful island that has basically been ruined by the presence of the military...there are areas that are permanently contaminated by Agent Orange that was stored there during VietNam, and now this...count me in

2019-01-07 02:28:11
Jamie ♍️ason @jmemason

@DrBrianMay The word threatened could have been omitted and plea would have been just as effective. What is reason for wanting to extend airbase/flight line?

2019-01-07 03:36:15
豊岡マッシー @TOYOsanshin

@DrBrianMay I am a Okinawan Musician. I play Okinawa Shamisen (sanshin). I love Brighton Rock. Thank you for your support. It is an animation I made. stop henoko Okinawa mermaid pic.twitter.com/jbdBUiN4FY

2019-01-07 05:20:06
Fly me to the Moon @lilycornneo

@DrBrianMay Thank you very much! Dr.Brian May. I'm living in Japan, and I love Okinawa. I like many songs of Queen for more than forty years. Teotoriatte is one of the best I love. Your opinion is expressing the heart of Teotoriatte.

2019-01-07 06:17:17
Fly me to the Moon @lilycornneo

@DrBrianMay クイーンのブライアンメイさんも 沖縄の味方!!!! ツイートしてくれてるよ、皆! やっぱりクイーンと日本の民衆の心は相思相愛だね!!

2019-01-07 06:19:13
Veronique @X2nkzLeITuaFpE4

@hvrdysangel @DrBrianMay I'm waving you from JPN. It's my pleasure to talk with you. Here comes #DennyTAMAKI's song (@tamakidenny)#YouTube youtu.be/H6ldq661XW4. edit @atsushi_mic I've also heard Queen's music on Denny's radio program. PLZ spread the pettion. We only have only one day to closing.

2019-01-07 07:11:53
☔🌺うりずん🌱☀️ @chimugukuru1

@jmemason @DrBrianMay Okinawans are forced by Jp gov to shoulder majority of the US bases. MCAS Futenma was to be shut down after the abduction & rape of a local schoolgirl. Decades of deceit, discrimination by Jp gov against Okinawans have led to its relocation on the SAME island, not far away

2019-01-07 07:30:16
☔🌺うりずん🌱☀️ @chimugukuru1

@jmemason @DrBrianMay Experts, politicians, military personnel on both US&Jp sides have argued that Okinawa is NOT the only option but Okinawa is the most convenient; being the poorest prefecture in Jp, distance from mainland Jp, historically conquered by Jp, Battle of Okinawa in WW2,

2019-01-07 07:34:58
☔🌺うりずん🌱☀️ @chimugukuru1

@jmemason @DrBrianMay ensuing US military rule, and general discrimination against the Ryukyuans who have had our proud Kingdom annexed, then caught in the middle of a bloody war brought to our islands. We just want our beautiful, peaceful islands respected

2019-01-07 07:40:37
☔🌺うりずん🌱☀️ @chimugukuru1

@jmemason @DrBrianMay and for the world to know war is never the answer & we don't want to be bullied to shoulder more in this insane arms race. We are saying NO to Henoko but also realize removing ALL installations on the island which hosts over 70% of US Forces in Jp will not happen in our lifetime.

2019-01-07 07:45:05
☔🌺うりずん🌱☀️ @chimugukuru1

@jmemason @DrBrianMay Let the Okinawans heal from the still-fresh wounds of Battle of Okinawa. Our people, our islands, our ocean hasn't been given the opportunity to heal.1 in 4 locals were killed yet even today, bombers fly above us constantly, our ocean is getting raped

2019-01-07 07:50:22
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@DrBrianMay Thank you so much Dr. @DrBrianMay ❗You don't know how much this means for all of us! @robkajiwara is holding a press conference at @whitehouse on 1/7 11AM EST. We need as many signatures as we can BEFORE this. Please continue to PUSH! #StandWithOkinawa twitter.com/robkajiwara/st…

2019-01-07 07:57:31