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Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Join @GretaThunberg at our Marble Arch site in London from around 7 PM. There will also be music. #InternationalRebellion is a non-violent and peaceful open Rebellion for life against government inaction on and complicity in the #SixthMassExtinction. independent.co.uk/environment/gr…

2019-04-22 02:25:52
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

On the 31st of October, we declared a peaceful rebellion against the UK Government. Greta Thunberg was there to help us. Today she has returned, six months later and after 1,000 arrests. This is historic. #InternationalRebellion pic.twitter.com/u1zrEJJb5R

2019-04-22 03:22:14
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

"Politicians have done nothing. #ExtinctionRebellion & #SchoolStrike4Climate will make sure they do not get away with it any longer. We are at a cross roads, we have chosen a path and are waiting for the others to follow our example." @GretaThunberg on eve of #EarthDay2019 pic.twitter.com/ksihmuQOnV

2019-04-22 03:49:58
Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

Humanity is at a crossroads, Greta Thunberg tells Extinction Rebellion theguardian.com/environment/20…

2019-04-22 04:58:31
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

気候変動対策を求めて世界中で起こっている学校ストライキが広がるきっかけを作ったグレタ・トゥーンベリさんが、イギリスのExtinction Rebellion(絶滅への反逆)による封鎖デモを訪れて激励。⇒ Extinction Rebellion: Climate protesters 'making a difference'|BBC News bbc.com/news/uk-englan…

2019-04-22 05:44:04
Extinction Rebellion Sverige @ExtinctionR_SV

Fantastic to see @GretaThunberg in London this evening. Here she is at @ExtinctionR_SV’s first action, in Stockholm, ‘way back’ in November 2018. pic.twitter.com/SfLqEQV0UG

2019-04-22 06:17:39
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

気候変動対策を求める学校ストライキが世界中に広がるきっかけを作ったグレタ・トゥーンベリさんは、セレブの生活スタイルに対して批判的です。彼女と同世代の若者の多くは、同じ価値観を共有していると思います。環境保護活動が金持ち中心から一般市民中心へとシフトし始めたのだと思います。 twitter.com/YukariWatanabe…

2019-04-22 08:40:40
渡辺由佳里 YukariWatanabe @YukariWatanabe


2019-04-22 03:19:21
The Guardian @guardian

‘We will never stop fighting’: Greta Thunberg addresses London climate protests – video theguardian.com/global/video/2…

2019-04-22 10:04:26
気候変動の向こう側 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Beyond_Climate

グレタ・トゥーンベリさんの行動は大人たちによる抗議デモにも勢いを与えています。ロンドンの封鎖デモ会場を訪れたグレタのメッセージは、"Keep going."⇒ Extinction Rebellion: Climate protesters 'making a difference'|BBC News bbc.com/news/uk-englan… #FridaysForFurture #ClimateStrike twitter.com/reishiva/statu…

2019-04-22 12:02:16
ジャーナリスト志葉玲 4.22 ウクライナ現地報告と身勝手な米国の外交 @reishiva

今日4月22日は #アースデイ#地球の日 )。一人の少女が始めた行動が広がり先月、約125カ国で約140万人の子ども・若者達が #温暖化 防止を求めるデモに参加。声をあげ始めた次世代の動き、温暖化の危機的な現状や課題について解説。 news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/shivare… #earthday #FridaysForFurture #拡散希望

2019-04-22 11:50:42



小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

Climate Change - The Facts youtu.be/LLdxWjEWCrk アッテンボロー卿の一昨日の番組のようです。

2019-04-20 10:53:32
François Van Der Biest @fvanderbiest

Reading this, and the XR-related press coverage of the week: I have the feeling we're getting very near of a tipping point. So many things happening at the moment ! cc @cmoreldarleux twitter.com/robintransitio…

2019-04-21 00:56:36
Rob Hopkins @robintransition

Here is a blog I just wrote, rich with photos and links, that captures the amazing six day tour of Transition I just did: "Imagination Taking Power’: my Transition Tour de France'": robhopkins.net/2019/04/20/130…

2019-04-20 23:04:47
安冨歩(やすとみ あゆみ) @anmintei

【ガンディーの非暴力的抵抗の教科書的手法だ】 ロンドン警視庁によれば、今回の抗議デモは通常のデモと異なり、デモ参加者たちは逮捕されることに乗り気で、身柄を拘束される時も抵抗しないという。大量の逮捕者発生により、警察は勾留スペース不足という問題に直面している news.yahoo.co.jp/pickup/6321043

2019-04-21 14:36:41
Extinction Rebellion Granada @XRGranada

El conocido científico y naturalista británico David Attenborough lo tiene claro: "El fin de la vida en la Tierra, a menos que cambiemos ya". ¿Y tú, lo tienes claro? ÚNETE A LA REBELIÓN info@extinctionrebellion.es xrgranada@extinctionrebellion.es pic.twitter.com/0rFxwXIqqd

2019-04-21 18:43:49
Amanda Khozi Mukwashi @AMukwashi

Dr Rowan Williams “we want to live securely & at a level of secure comfort that we are used to in the West. That level of secure comfort is undermining our real security -our food supplies & entire environment” twitter.com/christian_aid/…

2019-04-21 18:54:28
Christian Aid @christian_aid

At 9am this morning our Chair, Dr Rowan Williams, will be on @BBCRadioWales' All Things Considered: bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00…

2019-04-21 16:45:07
Amanda Khozi Mukwashi @AMukwashi

“If I have any hope for the future, it is that the rising generation see this as the moral issue of their generation.” Dr Rowan Williams on climate change twitter.com/christian_aid/…

2019-04-21 19:05:22
Amanda Khozi Mukwashi @AMukwashi

“A humanity that is not afraid to say that we need each other” Profound words by Dr Rowan Williams speaking on @BBCRadioWales All Things Considered. twitter.com/christian_aid/…

2019-04-21 19:16:12
Climate Safe Travel @lessflying

"...something bold like giving up flying can have a wider knock-on effect by influencing others and shifting what’s viewed as “normal”." theconversation.com/climate-change… twitter.com/newsprof1/stat…

2019-04-22 00:01:03
Kate Wright @newsprof1

#Academictwitter Has anyone else been thinking about how often they do long-haul flights in the light of #ExtinctionRebellion? International keynotes, international conferences are crucial to proving academic esteem. But the world is burning... Thoughts, folks?

2019-04-20 15:18:12
Climate Safe Travel @lessflying

Translation: academics call on universities to @stopflying "... drastic reduction of air traffic..." twitter.com/hilhorst_thea/…

2019-04-22 00:46:08
Thea Hilhorst @hilhorst_thea

@newsprof1 1500 Dutch academics recently signed a petition for universities stepping up climate policies. Our recommendations are adopted by all Dutch universities! klimaatbriefuniversiteiten.nl More trains, more long distance conferencing and teaching @flyingless

2019-04-21 22:26:05
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication @YaleClimateComm

“I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.” One botanist is on the cusp of revolutionizing the fight against climate change: bit.ly/2PcnUHP via @guardian pic.twitter.com/I4CsRIOfrL

2019-04-22 01:00:23
Treehugger.com @Treehugger

Humans are social creatures, whether we want to admit it or not, and science shows that even small talk boosts our moods. buff.ly/2KRVB2M

2019-04-22 01:19:00
Leo Barasi 🇺🇦 leobarasi.bsky.social @leobarasi

Google searches for climate change have spiked this week. Highest in nearly 10 years, according to preliminary data. The #ExtinctionRebellion, Attenborough & school strikes effect. pic.twitter.com/1WjIZ2DsrX

2019-04-22 02:07:50
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