10月7日〜国際レベリオン その2 International Rebellion Vol.2

エクスティンクション・レベリオンの秋の行動まとめ @XrXrJapanのツイートより。  同時に起こる出来事が多過ぎて、一つ一つ翻訳できません。もしコメント欄に訳を入れて頂ければアップデートの時に本体側に組込みたいものです。
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Tom Burrows @TBurrows16

This man climbed onto the roof above the entrance to London City Airport and shouted down to fellow protesters: 'Rebellion!' #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/2bBMedjOnZ

2019-10-10 18:25:40
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

My flight from London City airport to Dublin has just been grounded by a climate change protestor. On runway and about to take off when smartly dressed man in late middle age stood up with iPhone to deliver lecture on climate change up and down aisle

2019-10-10 18:30:28
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ニコラス・ワット ”私のロンドン市空港発ダブリン行きの飛行機はちょうど気候変動の抗議者によって戻された。滑走路を走行中、離陸直前に中年後期の背広の紳士が席から通路に立ってアイフォン片手に気候変動についての講義を始めたんだ。…” twitter.com/nicholaswatt/s…

2019-10-11 03:18:09
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

Cabin crew calmy and very politely asked protestor to resume his seat. Politely but persistently he declined and proceeded to deliver his lecture on climate change in aisle. Some passengers annoyed, others listened to lecture with humour as cabin crew alerted pilot

2019-10-10 18:33:15
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

Plane was at the end of runway. So the pilot taxied back to gate where plane was met by throng of police. They came on board and escorted the protestor off the plane. No skirmish and protestor left the plane

2019-10-10 18:36:38
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

And now we are reboarding the flight to be greeted with a friendly welcome back from the Aer Lingus crew who dealt with the episode with calm authority

2019-10-10 18:51:44
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

And the final irony of the climate protest on our flight. We cannot take off until we have taken on extra fuel...to replace the fuel used up during the protest, our pilot notes with humour

2019-10-10 18:56:07
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

Pilot just asked us to show our appreciation to crew for ‘exemplary’ way they handled protest. Big round of applause

2019-10-10 19:07:29
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

About to take off. Interesting that police mounted major security operation at City Airport knowing Extinction Rebellion staging protests there. Not allowed into airport without boarding pass and passport. If you had no boarding pass it is printed at special desk outside entrance

2019-10-10 19:09:27
Nicholas Watt @nicholaswatt

So protestor on our plane obviously clocked the best way round security: dress smartly and act as a normal passenger and then seize moment and limelight once plane on the move

2019-10-10 19:11:02
Global's Newsroom @GlobalsNewsroom

BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion protester single-handedly halts plane at London City Airport. buff.ly/2VEdKTL

2019-10-10 18:59:10
All Breaking News @AllBRKNews

Climate change protester arrested on flight about to take off from London City Airport news.sky.com/story/flight-r…

2019-10-10 19:03:42
XR UK - Trade Unions @xr_TradeUnions

The average yearly wage of a @LondonCityAir flyer is over 100k. The airport is surrounded by some of the most impoverished housing in London and its workers barely get a london living wage. In this #MomentofTruth, our #JustTransition is nowhere to be heard. @UKParliament twitter.com/XRSouthWest/st…

2019-10-10 21:51:49
XR South West Britain @XRSouthWest

“I’m here for my grandchildren and all their generation. I’m also here for the poorest peoples, who have done the least to cause climate breakdown and are suffering the most.” - Phil, 83, at City Airport London #TheTimeIsNow #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/swmEUE7GZx

2019-10-10 18:10:20
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRニューヨーク市 "このXRのロンドン市空港行動のビデオは全編観る価値があるが、特に2分24秒からの2児の母親サリーのインタビューは見逃せない。 #みんなで今twitter.com/xr_nyc/status/…

2019-10-11 17:31:28
Extinction Rebellion NYC 🌎 @XR_NYC

This video about #ExtinctionRebellion's action at London City Airport is worth watching in full. But don't miss the interview with Sally, who has two young children, starting at 2:24. #EverybodyNow twitter.com/XRebellionUK/s…

2019-10-11 16:30:04

ドイツ Germany

Extinction Rebellion Freiburg @XR_Freiburg

A busy noon in Berlin. @ExtinctionR_DE is blocking two central bridges and one major roundabout in Berlin. The weather is beautiful and so is our #InternationalRebellion. #Berlinblockieren pic.twitter.com/WAnpCeRp69

2019-10-09 18:59:43
XR Stockholm @StockholmXr

#BerlinBlockade day 3: What a day! First we took #Marshall Bridge, then #Mülhendamm bridge, then #Jannowitz bridge with #AnimalRebellion. The 2 firsts seem to have been evacuated now, but we still hold #Jannowitz and now #oberbaum bridge! We ARE rising like the water! 😊💚🌍💪 pic.twitter.com/RjUWyiKDai

2019-10-10 00:28:43
Cycle Changer 🚲🔄💜 共著『世界に学ぶ自転車都市のつくりかた』発売中 @cycle_changer

#ベルリン の巨大ショッピングモールにて行われたフラッシュモブ by #エクスティンクションリベリオン。ショッピングは趣味ではない、#気候正義#ファストファッション を受け付けない、と。 #気候危機 twitter.com/xrberlin/statu…

2019-10-13 04:01:42
Extinction Rebellion Berlin @XRBerlin

Shoppen ist kein Hobby #Flashmob in der Mall of Berlin! Denn #Klimagerechtigkeit verträgt sich nicht mit #FastFashion - eine Industrie die schongslos Menschen & Ressourcen ausbeutet. #ThereIsNoPlanetB #BerlinBlockieren #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/Fqxa0Dpvvc

2019-10-13 01:57:32

米国 USA

Bill McKibben @billmckibben

People fret that @ExtinctionR shuts down some streets. Climate crisis now shutting down entire regions. sfchronicle.com/bayarea/articl…

2019-10-10 01:00:19
Extinction Rebellion NYC 🌎 @XR_NYC

Day 2 of Global Rebellion in NYC saw morning meditation in front of City Hall, Vaquita’s maiden voyage, and art, trainings and love at Rebel Fest in Washington Square Park. Day 3 of Rebel Fest happening now at Judson Memorial Church across the street from the park! pic.twitter.com/qXuw2UYVZ2

2019-10-10 03:37:53
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